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Everything posted by MrKyuubi

  1. Is this thing on? *Tap tap* Psst! Just start typing already! Right! Right! Sorry! Ahem, so... where to start? A name? Hmm. Call me what ever you like. I have been called many things like: Awesome Caboose, Caboose, Slayer, Steven, Stevo, Stevie, Stephon, Kyuubi, Drake, Zach, Zachari, Smart Ass, Dumb Ass, retard, pony lover, halo fan boy, and many more. Likes? I like to draw, as can be seen on my deviantart. I like music, mostly any kind. But, I prefer techno, dubstep, and electronic. I'll play any video game, given I own it or can buy it. To be fair though, I'm mostly interested in FPS, RPG, MMO, and shooters. About me? I'm your typical 15 year old gamer, with a slight problem of multi-personality disorder. So expect me to be random and say something that would either make to much sense or no sense at all. I have been called crazy, do I believe it? Yes I do. I got into halo when I was six, that was in 2003, that's nine years ago. My aunt's fiancé was playing Halo 1, I was fairly interested in the, what I quote from my younger self, "Weird midget aliens." (aka Grunts or Unggoy) The next year I saw him playing Halo 2, asked him if I could play, and ended up beating and talking smack to a 20 year old. It was funny because he raged. From this day forth I have collected all the Halos and even pre-ordered the Legendary or Limited edition for most of them. Now that halo is over with, how about some other things about me? I'm a brony, and I love it. So get off my back. I rant occasionally and will end up making it sound like I'm Dr. Phil. I don't really know what else you want me to say so... this is it. Want to know anything else? Message me. Either here, on deviantart, or on the xbox. Oh! My gamertag! You'll never believe it. GT: Awesome Caboose "This is MrKyuubi signing off." 'I've always wanted to say that!'
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