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Everything posted by NullQuantity

  1. Where did you get the info for the second class of Spartan IIs? I don't remember that.
  2. It could totally still be invis. He's just not using it at that time. The bar next to the icon isn't depleting. Regarding the icon itself, though, I doubt it is invis. The look of it doesn't fit that AA. Forerunner vision would be a safe bet, as it looks kinda like an eye.
  3. Using the dpad to switch grenades wouldn't be terrible. Good idea.
  4. Yeah it looks like it could be distracting right above the reticule. I think in the middle along the bottom would be better.
  5. I used Bumper Jumper in Halo 3 but had to switch to default for Reach because of the armor abilities. I wonder how both sprint and a seperate armor ability will be squeezed onto the controller. Would you use the d-pad to switch between the two? I sure hope not.
  6. I was worried about whether 343 could make Halo 4 really feel like a legit Halo game, but after that tiny clip I feel a lot better. The movement looked nice and fast but it was when he reloaded that it really hit me. This might actually be a damn good Halo game.
  7. I was pretty excited when I heard the news. Sprint was pretty much the only amor ability I used in Reach once I realized it was the one that didn't get me killed on a regular basis. The use of sprint with melee weapons does worry me a bit, though. I imagine people hiding around corners with the sword and just running out to shank people when they get close. The victim wouldn't have enough time to shoot them and slow them down. Also, I wonder which button sprint will be mapped to on default.
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