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Everything posted by PhobiaOMG

  1. THANK YOU!! This sums up my feelings entirely about Halo 4. It's sad to see the Halo franchise on such a HUGE downfall.
  2. I'm not sure who all is from the Halo 2 and Halo 3 days, but by the looks of what I've been reading recently on IGN.com and other gaming sites Halo 4 is going to be more of a disaster than Reach. Being somebody who plays Halo competitively through MLG, I think the loadouts in Reach were the downfall of competitive Halo, along with the TERRIBLE ranking system (if you can even call it a ranking system). Halo 2 and Halo 3 had ideal ranking systems where the incentive was to actually win... something that I think has been lost with COD. Now with the addition of allowing people to join games mid game is ridiculous. Why in Earth would I want a new team mate 15 minutes into the game?! I want the same 4 players the whole game, which allows for team work to be present. Am i the only one who wants this? The Halo series has always bee one the most if the not the competitive XBOX game (look at MLG for example) and with the direction Bungie took the Halo series with Reach and now the direction Halo 4 is heading Halo will completely lose the competitiveness. I am aware that not everyone wants the competitiveness side of Halo and understand that. That is why there was "social games" in Halo 3. I could rant forever on this topic just because I have such a passion for the Halo series and I am sad that the competitiveness is almost gone (will be gone after Halo 4)
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