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  1. Yeah, like I said before they were making video games. It was a small company in like Pittsburgh for like Web Design and Graphic design. Well it was basically just the same people. If you dig hard enough on bungie forums there is a thread about it
  2. No they had a different name, it was when they were really underground though, they weren't even in the vidja game business. And I put sell just because it's easier than explaining the whole contract guy deal mo jangles. They did it on purpose, they had this planned out since Halo: CE
  3. I also know that Bungie wasn't always Bungie. They used to have some other name, but right before the 7th day 7th column thing they weren't Bungie. And that the reasoning behind "selling" Halo rights to 343 was so that they could make Halo 4, but also be able to make games like Reach, Wars, and ODST to push back the date of it so they could test some of their ideas to put into the game. They have been working on Halo 4 since ODST came out.
  4. Okay, so ever since the transition from Bungie to 343, I knew that there would be a Halo 4-6. It was somewhat blatant. Bungie obviously is associated with 343, easily noticed for TWO reasons. 7 is the cubed root of 343 (7x7x7) EASY. A cubed root is a number times itself three time. Two studios make the two trilogies. SIMPLE. The other reason is the most obvious reason... 343 Guilty Spark! What about the oracle? And it just so happens that after you destroy him, the game rights are sold to who other than 343 industries!
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