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Status Updates posted by MacaDaneO


  2. got TPed about an hour ago and MAN they SUCKED it up I mean a good TPing should take at least an hour to clean up not 10 minutes so it you did it you did a horrible job but thanks for letting do something with my nephew

  3. Bake Cookies For Capris, Take a Shower, Wash Pants, And Post This on 343 all in under a Hour... CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!

  4. So. Joe, C.s., Travis, and me were in a party on X-box Live and Travis said " I gatta go to work." and I asked were and he said Ridly's our local grocery store and I said" I'm going to go over there and buy a donut, and rub it in your face."and he came back with "And I will grab it and eat it." and C.s told Travis he was bad at come backs. so after a long day my mom and me were low on eggs so we went over little did I realize that Travis was still working. So w...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Azaxx
    3. fzdw11


      Donut wins, +5.

    4. MacaDaneO


      Donut how much do you cost because at ridleys your posted at 65 cents


  5. Mom woke me at 8 30 cause she had to go some she was like Dane i need you to skin and chop up some carrots and potatoes for the slow cooker but then she couldn't find the potatoes and then she left and i started o the carrots but when she said chop the carrots I thought slices and cooked carrots and when I put them in the slow cooker I found out that she ment chunks. big chunks. I think i made the biggest cooked carrots Ev-Ver

  6. nothing rhymes with orange: False The word nothing does not rhyme with orange .

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Kurt S-501

      Kurt S-501

      lol. and door-hinge does rhyme with orange.

    3. Adam91


      @twam drake and josh?

    4. DaveAtStateFarm


      win copter goes trp;p;p;p;p;p;p;p;p;;p;p;

  7. if good things come to those who wait why is procrastination bad?

  8. you know how you say somthing in your mind and it sounds ok but on the ... yeah

  9. Braces are off but the pain is on thanks to the sensitivity

  10. I want Halo 4 beta

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