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Everything posted by Gostrider0117

  1. This post has been washed from the thread. My apologies to Mystic for missing its content.
  2. Bungie obviously took out bleed through for a reason. I personaly dont like the fact that i can get shot once and then get beat down by some crappy noob. And this is Halo Reach, its not supposed to be like the other halos. And I was just talking about armor lock because I always hear everyone complain about it dipsh!t. I dont see why people want armor lock to be weakened. Its part of the game. Anyone can get good at using any of the loadouts and all of the loadouts have weaknesses.
  3. I don't understand why they felt a need to mess with Team Slayer at all! It is by for the most used playlist. It is that way for a reason! Why would they put TU into Team Slayer even if they are just testing it out?! The TU playlists were the least popular playlists for a reason! Don't ruin halo. Halo Reach was supposed to be different from Halo 3 so why are they trying to make it Halo 3.5? Btw bleedthrough sucks. Thats why bungie got rid of it! 343 is not fixing Halo. The TU just makes it easier for noobs to get lucky grenade kills, lucky headshots with the decreased bloom, and bleedthrough so that they can shoot you with an AR for half a second and pummel you. This takes significantly less skill in my opinion. Why should the players that are good at Reach get punished? Also people who complain about armor lock in Team Slayer need to grow a pair because they can play several other game types like squad slayer where there is no armor lock. If you don't like armor lock play a different playlist! If you don't like the other playlist, get over it or play COD! Alot of the best players in Team Slayer use armor Lock, so it is by no means a noob only loadout. If anyone that works for 343 reads this, please don't keep the changes that you have made to team slayer! Make a TU Team Slayer option if you really want to! And for God's sake change the voting back to 3 choices! I just got back to back Elite slayer and Tu Elite slayer options. This sucks and its ruining my halo experience.
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