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Posts posted by Church

  1. Director. A name. A title. It can mean so many things. Does it imply leadership, does it imply position. Director. A name. A title. A legend.


    You have been a friend to me and more, Dear Director. There is not much I can say, other than that you have my utmost respect, and always have, and always will. In the end, though, you can never truly be replaced, except for by yourself. I can only congratulate you, and wish you the best (although that seems oddly self-serving). You and I are similar, yet different. We share a name. And you have brought great honor to that name. I wish you luck. And I congratulate you.

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  2. What experience do you have with card games?


    I have played Magic the Gathering extensively.


    What are some of your skill/talents?


    Uh...can we come back to that? No lol, I do CGI.


    How would you like to contribute to this project?


    What do you need me for?


    Cheese or Pepproni?




    Favorite Halo game?


    All of 'em.


    On a scale of 1-10(117) how well do you think you know Halo(This can be anything from concepts that were cut from games to overall lore)?


    1337. I am a maestro of halo lore. Ask, and I will answer.


    Are you rebel scum?


    Most definitely.

  3. Depends on how you are sniping. If you are far away and hiding (normal sniping), then a lower sensitivity would be best. You want it around mid-low (between 2 and 4) for best tracking without overshooting.


    If you are CQC sniping, or mid-range, a higher sensitivity would be better, since that allows you to turn quicker to face new threats. For that, I would recommend anywhere between 6 and 10, depending on how much you want to turn.


    If you want both, then 5.


    Remember, you can change sensitivity in-game, so I would experiment with what is best. Play one game with a high and another with a low, and then one more game where you mix it up. See what you like best.

    I completely agree. It's much more a matter of what your play style is however. I play on 1-3 sensitivity, and one of my friends who plays on 10 is completely befuddled by it. Higher sensitivity or lower sensitivity is simply a matter of player choice/preference.

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  4. I am excited to be working with Gryffin and OnlineKnights on this project. As some of you may know, I design CGI professionally, and am thrilled to work with an animator on this project to design some seriously cool CGI. Kudos to Gryffin for spearheading this project. I think that it is going to be truly awesome!

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