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Posts posted by Tommy

  1. Artist: Insignia

    Classification: Signature

    Format: PNG

    Size: [Default: 600x200]*

    Style: similar to what I have now for a background, dark gothic

    Colors: pink Spartan with black gloves, brown and black background with the spade custom game night award like in forum


    1. My Spartan from Halo 4 with boxing gloves on and in this http://ts2.mm.bing.net/th?id=H.4695259093140973&pid=15.1 stance if possible. If not, then surprise me.

    2. Spades award symbol for “Custom Game Night” http://www.343industries.org/forum/uploads/jawards/Spades_CGN.png

    Background: similar to what I have now, possibly different. I’m up for suggestions http://i1227.photobucket.com/albums/ee438/InvaderD

    Writing: probably just Spades above symbol and Custom game night below it

    Font: in sharp gothic style lettering http://ts2.mm.bing.net/th?id=H.4930606141147761&pid=15.1



    Your the MAN!!!! Can't wait to see what you come up with.


    Long overdue...





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    1. Artist: Brony
    2. Classification: Signiture
    3. Format: GIF
    4. Size [Default: 600x200]*
    5. Style: colorful
    6. Primary Colors:
    7. IMAGE [1]* Master cheif laying on the ground like the scene in the forest in halo 3.
    8. IMAGE [2] Sgt. Johnson helping the chief up.
    9. IMAGE [3] A grunt in the background with a question mark above his head.
    10. Background: I want the background to be a forest like in the scene in halo 3 where Sgt. Johnson finds Master Chief!
    11. Writing: One of these days, your gonna land on something as stubborn as you are.....And I don't do bits and pieces!
    12. -Sgt. Johnson
    13. Font: Your choice be creative
    14. Extras
    15. Locations: Forest like the one in halo 3.
    16. And just like to thank you for all you are doing for this community! I love your work!


    Hope you like it!





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  2. I haven't posted a request for about a year, thought I'd like another now.

    1. Artist: Brony since he did my last one, but if Overlord Siggy can do it, that's fine ^_^
    2. Classification: Signature
    3. Format: Best that suits it and keeps the quality high.
    4. Size: 600x300 preferably.
    5. Style: Colourful and bright, very smooth.
    6. Primary Colors: Aqua, green, cyan. As the main colours.
    7. IMAGE [1]
    8. IMAGE [2]
    9. IMAGE [3]
    10. Background: Something like Image 1.
    11. Writing: Azaxx
    12. Font: A smooth one, and one that matches the girl.
    13. Locations: Image 1 is just the type of style I'd like if possible. Image two is an extra. Image 3 is the one I really want in it, it's from the Image 1, but by itself so you don't have to cut. Could Image 3 be put on the left, Image 2 anywhere if it fits naturally, and "Azaxx" in the bottom left, but not too low.


    Thanks guys. You do a great job here :3






    Hope you like it!

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