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Posts posted by Tommy

  1. The Universe Project


    ^Link Above^

    The Universe Project is a simulation of humanity through time that plays like a video game. If you haven't seen the concept video yet, you'll want to check that out first!



    What are your views on a game like this??

    Think it's possible? Would you buy it?


    What would you do in the game?

    I've watched the Q&A's and read as much as I can on it and from what the developer says, it seems highly possible! I am looking forward to it and it might be the next big thing!


    • Like 1
  2. Hackers are pretty much terrorists, in my opinion.

    They dedicate theirs lives to instil fear upon others and cause terror for insufficient reasons or extreme, unrealistic ideals of believes.

    Now, there are FAR more hackers than the traditional "terrorist"; it is concerning how much more terror people can cause with machines than a simple collision or explosive device.


    I don't believe that entirely, there are some that do it just to show that it can be done and it needs to be fixed. There's others that have done it to groups of people that are bad news. :P


    But most are for sure low lives.

  3. Same here, once it saves hours of logging onto Hotmail once I can click a button, look at mail then click Alt+F4.

    Lots of my Steam games are arranged there and it is just a massive help.


    Remember back on Bungie.net when people constantly complained about Armour Lock; some idiots just spurted out a one-word answer "Adapt." ?

    Evidently, this is a realistic goal to the new Win8 start menu; it is just as fast as using the traditional "Start" button in the corner; it is also a lot bigger. Although, the fact new search tool for Metro isn't that good.



    Well and this is what every interface is gonna look like soon. Everything is going touch screen so might as well get used to it haha

  4. I constantly boot up waypoint to listen to the music. Not to mention how often I listen to their remake in the Halo 4 credits. 343 really can remake it good, they just chose not to...


    If you ask me, I believe Halo 4's music was a bit..heavy on the trumpet. :lol:


    If they took the Halo Trilogy's sounds and made music with that, I'd be all over it.


    I was thinking the same thing! That trumpet is a little OP...


    But Chris is right, the other Halo games had some amazing music!

  5. I honestly just wish they would of Beta tested it.  Most of the glitches and problems in it would of been resolved way before the release!  They screwed that up on my part and I believe all these glitches and problems are the reason so many fans are moving away from it.

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