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  1. Oh and a heads up to everyone who says that the booster used by Master Chief is NOT a jet-pack.... Good job. You have done your research. =)
  2. At the very least, give the spartans the ability to run... Seriously.
  3. Strangely enough the live IM feed on this sight seems to be filled with worth-while people. I may enjoy this.

    1. Vitamin Pwn

      Vitamin Pwn

      yeah we're nice people here, but occasionally we get the random troll, but they never last very long, the mods here are awesome!

    2. Spectral Jester
  4. According to an interview of 343i done by GameInformer, Marty O'Donnel's compositions are still considered part of the essential heart of Halo. He, himself, will not be part of the process, however the music he has created will be maintained and expanded upon. There's a lot riding on faith right now but I'm feeling very confident in everything I've seen and read about 343... I believe we are in for something phenomenal.
  5. 343i Community Forum... Feel like I just made the transition from Bungie to 343. Im ready to see what awaits us.

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