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Everything posted by Ranger1475

  1. Having kept up with the series from the original release of CE, the Zero bloom has a nice nostalgic feel to it. Though it should certainly be in it's own "Retro" playlists. Makes the pistol a staple weapon again. Though, on that note I have always said from day one "A pistol is a sidearm, NOT a hand cannon for galactic domination." Still, on occasion I get the itch for the old three shot special. Though I did notice a sharp increase in spamming, of which I more than took advantage of with the magnum, after I got a feel for it. However, I tend to prefer the new mechanics. I honestly had to mentally force myself not to shoot in my normal cadence to take advantage of the ZB. I still caught myself doing a lot of carefully timed crouch shots at longer ranges, though. Old habits and all that. Conclusion: Great for retro playlists, but keep it clear of the general lists.
  2. DMR's are bad? Bullet for bullet they do a lot more damage than the old BR's. Not to mention better at longer ranges. No bloom, huh? Do you have something against skill? Should we have them put training wheels on the warthog so it doesn't flip, too? Sniping is improved a bit with the bloom. Not as easy as when you used to have no recoil. But this is supposed to be for AAs, not the laundry list. Am I wrong? First off, AAs add a new dynamic to the game. While trends exist, you still have to wonder wonder what your opponent has up their sleeve...unless that sleeve is a massive jetpack on their back. AS far as it not being Halo, well, last I checked it WAS Halo made by the people who MADE CE. Even though I use it, Armor lock does get abused, but more for lack of experience than anything else. Kinda like the noob combo, only that's more just to be a cheap SOB. Everyone complains about getting bested in beat down competitions against AL. You chose to run in there like an idiot and play the B-for-Beat card knowing they MIGHT have it. Suck it up and move on; lesson learned. Works great for a point man on a team, and if the other team chooses to waste their ordinance on the AL, too bad for them. I could justify limiting it to one lock per charge, though. And not shed grenades stuck before the lock, but contain the blast from the teammates. Make using it more challenging. Cloak is about as balanced as it can get. Move to fast and you might as well be wearing blaze orange. Radar jamming for the user is a must. Scrambling the enemy radar is a nice bit too; again with the team oriented combat. Yes they know there's a cloaker there, BUT they'll need to stop watching the radar and use their eyes to see if anyone else is around. Jet pack is for mobility. Maybe could use a slightly longer cool-down, but otherwise fine. If you burn it out chances are everyone else has noticed the bright shining beacon soaring through the sky and have already started throwing shots your way. Sprint is Mobility. Though I agree it needs to last longer, especially considering you lower your weapon to use it. Maybe increase the cool down a little to offset the duration. Evade? All about the timing. "Do a barrel roll, Fox!" Enough said. Drop shield is great. Long cool down. Easily dropped if you really hammer it. Maybe shed the health regen and just keep it a "group shield," But really it's limitations weigh alright with the pros. Hologram. Works in a heavy firefight when people aren't paying attention to the gray blip, or in sniper matches a time or two. Yeah, it can be obvious, BUT I've seen some folks on there that can pull off the trickery again and again. I don't have that knack.
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