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Everything posted by Fiend

  1. Dear 343. The biggest problem for me in halo reach isn't the game play, its my favorite playlist. Every time I search in the mlg playlist on my own i come up against a team of four.Its rather annoying as they all work together like they should unlike my teammates who end up quitting.yesterday I played 3 games in a row against the same team every game all my team quit out because they couldn't handle being a few kills behind at the start.I don't quit ever which means I go -38 and Im close to crying .so I was wandering if you could make it so teams of 4 went against teams of 4, rather than four die hard competitive friends all with mics against four randoms with no mics who are looking to have a chilled game with the mindset of a lone wolf.Even when you flip the coin and your on a team of four with your buddy's you come up against four none mics and the outcome is winning the game due to the whole of the other team quitting, this is not fun yes i just won 10 games in a row but i didn't enjoy any of them. Also i received 500 credits per game which means its not worth playing. If your scanning through 343 and can't be bothered to read my problem ^ heres it summed up for you below. ********************************** change the mlg playlist so that team of fours only face against team of fours thanks xxxxx ************************************************
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