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Everything posted by Aj8234

  1. It's about time I wondered when they would recognize you and I also need a new real mom and I would appreciate it if u were the new one lol and yes that was meant to confuse
  2. We are 100+ people we will train anyone who wants to be trained we are making an entrance into game battles and are taking the top 16 so hurry in if you want a chance. We are very active and do clan battles and activities every weekend we have great leadership and amazing talent we are one of the nicest people you may ever find in a clan so what are you waiting for sign up Contact me aj8234(clan leader) for more info
  3. I would give this review a 9of10 because i think i little more info and detail could be added but dont worry u persuaded me
  4. good review i cant wait until i am able to get it
  5. it said "you had no profile comments so why not say hello"

  6. it said "you had no profile comments so why not say hello"

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