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PBinTheDecree last won the day on October 18 2011

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Brute Chieftain

Brute Chieftain (6/19)



  2. Thankyou so much....halo 4 does not need aa's or bloom. I want to play a fun shooter once again.
  3. If they put ADS in a halo game, I will seriously kill people. Halo reach ruined the halo gameplay already. Halo does not need these horrible ideas and that is why it is set apart from other shooters.
  4. hahaha you blame the economy? are you serious... more like halo reach sucks and that's why no one buys the maps...Watch halo 4 tear that game apart...
  5. So like he said.. they can survive falling from the sky for a few miles but can't survive crashing into a scarab....why didn't carter lock his armor? by the way halo reach blows.
  6. How is he wrong... basically everything he said is logical. It's a half ass game along with odst... quit lying to yourself.
  7. It's just another stupid addition i don't like on reach. Every ******* time you get on! Your missing recommended content! and then it flashes the whole time... just a stupid way to try and get money from people. They never would push that on you back in the day. I miss when map packs were actually good too. I don't think halo will ever be the same as it was during the trilogy. Especially halo 2 days.
  8. One more things... what's wrong with what he said? I love the part about the characters... so true and corny.
  9. By the way people, this is not me, I just thought the video was funny.
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZKOowZAufi4&feature=related
  11. No it does not make it exciting. It makes it random and slow paced. Skill changed the tide of battle, not some baby bull****.
  12. aa's ruined halo.. i was just thinking... how stupid is a 2v2 match will all these different weapons and aa's... The whole game just sucks.. zero bloom makes it a tiny bit better but other than that.. it will always blow...HALO 4 SAVE US FROM THE NOOBS.
  13. No i have brought it up mulitple times and i did say why each aa inhibits gameplay.
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