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Posts posted by PaNdAmOnIuM193

  1. This might be a long reply


    In my opinion graphics can only hype a game up to a certain extent. on PS2 is still play GTA San Andreas, Vice City and 3. When I play Kingdom Hearts 1 & 2 I cry at the end cause its such a nice moment at the end, despite the graphics being outdated. While god graphics help games out, the gameplay and the overall effect it gives you is how a game should be rated. Like Halo 3 campaign. The combination of the cutscenes, voice acting, gameplay, and MUSIC (key factor of a game in my opinion) makes the game perfect and I can play the campaign over and over without getting bored.


    What you said about Halo 4 is on the money. Of course its going to be a little different. The title is being made by a brans new studio who will have their own twist and thoughts on how the game should be. While the game should have its basic core, people should not ***** about how petty changes will forever ruin the game or how not making any changes at all will be a waate. People are never satisfied.

    At my school there is this one quiet, respectful kid who i talk to so I added him on LIVE. When I join his party he is cursing somebody out, being obnoxiously loud, and just has a completely different personalitly then in real life.

    As for the girl gamers people who say "girls playing xbox are fat and ugly" never had a girlfriend or are trying to sound tough.


    Im done venting =)

  2. Maybe it means she just wants to have a friend who she can talk to. Me and my ex broke up and decided that we should be just good friends, which we still are. Do your normal everyday thing and if a relationship just happens to form in the future between yall GREAT. Just ne yourself when you talk to her.

    Im not really a relationship person myself but thts what i think

    • Like 1
  3. Ok, I've decided that I'm going to preorder the Halo 4 Limited edirion from Mightyape.com, since that comes with most of the skins out of any retail. However, that place is based in New Zealand and I was afraid that since I live in the U.S the codes would not work. Should I be afraid about this?

    Also, I do not shop online much so if i ordered it from there, would I get it on the day it comes out or would I have to wait. I am very concerned. Soembody please help me and provide some information.

    Thanks =)

  4. recently i finished my entire anime list off.

    does anybody have any anime that has action with a good story line that they could recommend???

    * = absolute favorite


    My basic list:

    Air Gear *


    Black Cat 1&2 *

    Chrono Crusade


    Code Geass 1 & 2

    Death Note

    Darker than Black 1-3

    Devil May Cry ********

    Full Metal Alchemist + Brotherhood

    Ghost in the Shell SAC 1-2 ****************************************************


    Gun X Sword


    Hellsing Ultimate

    Scryed *

    Sengoku Basara 1 & 2

    Tokko ***

    Yu Yu Hakusho


    if u have any along these lines (especially ones with * please post them.

    thx yall =)

  5. im am just biding my time


    the thing that got me basically addicted to halo 3 was the campaign. before i had live, i would play that campaign for hours, just absorbing the complex storyline, the emotion filled music, and the awesome gameplay.

    reach lacked a good campaign and u wonder why it wasn't as successful as the previous games. even today ill pop in the halo 3 campaign disc and play the ark mission.

    343i has to be perfect when creating this game. they must not forget they are continuing the epic trilogy that basically started FPS on the xbox. the combination of campaign and multiplayer must be perfectly balanced or the halo series will have taken a considerable blow.


    NEXT TOPIC: to pass the time, somebody, somewhere needs to create "the next big gametype". grifball and infection changed halo 3 and were brought into halo reach. what will be the next big gametype i wonder?



    did i really just type all of tht???

    • Like 1
  6. I LUV 3. when i had no idea about xbox live and profiles, me and a friend would do the campaign starting from scratch everytime we did it. it may seem dumb but that is what got me into it. the storyline of halo plus the music and the gameplay sequences are a perfect combination for me.

  7. really. when i am driving a wraith ill have a teammate stand infront of thing to get betrayed to boot me for the vehicle. when i try to boot them no matter how many times they kill me i never get the option.

    the betrayal system in infection is ****** up to. there will be people in infection who will betray you constantly just to piss people off.

    and in griffball. i LUV it but there will be people who will boost into a lobby and have one person betray the entire team.


    there should be a system like in left 4 dead 2 for a majority boot option. that would make my day.

  8. Hey yall. Was browsing halo stuff on Google when i can upon this site. Contained the sheet music and i believe mp3 to the majority of halo music. being a high school musician myself i went crazy over this site.


    If you are a musician who loves halo or just love the music in general this site is for you. just sign up and BOOM tons of music at your disposal.



    Relating to poll, please feel free to discuss and post anything relating to halo and music of halo. ;)

  9. I have heard from legitimate sources that the Halo 3 game will stay up for a long time. Fact is, the Halo 2 game should be brought back. There should always be a choice of playing each game. We have put billions of dollars into each one, especially H2 and H3, and deserve the opportunity to go back and play them. Don't quote me any numbers, I just don't care about that fact. Of course I still believe my first girl friend should let me call her late at night for a "booty call" too! lol!


    halo 2 was shut down because all games on the original xbox online was shut down, including halo 2 :;(

    P.S. i agree with her letting you "booty call" LOLZ

  10. im not going to be very detailed in my post but i have some things that other people might agree with.


    how come forge world was the only map you cold basically forge on. sure it was big and had alot of items but after awhile it got boring. the same forging abilities should be available upon any map. also forge world was big but you couldnt access most of the map without a vehicle. make maps more accessible by foot and ground vehicle


    more forging abilities:


    a better variety and color of building structures would be nice. the same grey buildings with the same features and combinations.


    being able to spawn trees, or make a certain area of land land turn into a lake for instance, forging would be better if youy could do more than just make buildings. changing the environment would be nice.


    more vehicles. many people have stressed this but more vehicles would be nice. with halo 4 who knows what vehicles might come back or which new ones might appear.

  11. I hope the campaign has out of map glitches and easter eggs that 343 don't get to patch right after the drop. I remember the great journey out of The Ark on Halo 3, it was legendary :P


    I haven't played trough Halo CE so I haven't tried The Library but there is probably gonna be one map that will be a pain in the ass on legendary!


    WHAT great journey out of the ark

    please specify?

    im curious now 0.o

  12. joined this site a week ago thinking is like bungie.net but 343. it appears i was wrong about that BUT I STILL LUV IT HERE. the community here ( for the most part :P ) is very intellectual and polite on the forums. the conversations are amazing

    now this new update makes things even better.


    PROPS to ANYONE who helped make this site what it is right now.

    MORE HALO TO COME!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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