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Everything posted by 1ns4n1ty

  1. I love this idea! I love doing roller coaster style race maps a lot, unfortunately you can only do this in custom games...
  2. Battlefield 3 and skyrim!! And eventually halo 4. I'm still considering Halo CEA.
  3. I only put Killimanjaro because I thought you meant only like slayer or team slayer in match making lol. Not firefight or things like griffball :/ Oh well...
  4. GT: Marz 1ns4n1ty 343:1ns4n1ty I love crazy custom games and races and stuff so please add me if you play a lot of those so I dont have to be 'that guy' and try to invite all of my recent players to a custom game party...
  5. I've had Marz 1ns4n1ty for a while now. The first part came from way back playing COD (The original one) when I was in a Gods of War clan. I just picked Marz because he is the god of war and its stuck. The 1ns4n1ty part just kinda came to me so I stuck it on the end. So I know Marz 1ns4n1ty is basically two names shoved together and it makes almost no sense, but atleast it sounds cool to me.
  6. Omg... Superbounces and sword cancelling, that brings back good memories. There was almost no place safe from me. I have forgotten most of them now though
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