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Grunt (1/19)



  1. Hello everyone, I personally think the battlepass system is a way for the company to make more money. I don't know a single person who finds it fun or rewarding to grind for hours to rank up... When it'll get reset in a few months. To me, Reach had the best progression system : it was clear, manageable, and you could flaunt your legendary rank. Following the battlepass craze in order to encourage people into buying ranks out of frustration... That's sad.
  2. Hello everyone, I personally think the battlepass system is a way for the company to make more money. I don't know a single person who finds it fun or rewarding to grind for hours to rank up... When it'll get reset in a few months. To me, Reach had the best progression system : it was clear, manageable, and you could flaunt your legendary rank. Following the battlepass craze in order to encourage people into buying ranks out of frustration... That's sad.
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