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Rumour: Microsoft to Reverse Xbox One DRM Policies


It's being reported that Microsoft is about to reverse all of its controversial Xbox One DRM policies.

According to “multiple sources” cited by the Giant Bomb, Microsoft will undo everything that fans have been getting upset about since the console was announced a few weeks ago, outrage that reached its climax during E3 2013.

Here’s an easy-to-digest breakdown of what that means:

  • No more always online requirement
  • The console no longer has to check in every 24 hours
  • All game discs will work on Xbox One as they do on Xbox 360
  • Authentication is no longer necessary
  • An Internet connection is only required when initially setting up the console
  • All downloaded games will function the same when online or offline
  • No additional restrictions on trading games or loaning discs
  • Region locks have been dropped

Giant Bomb believes that Microsoft will accompany the announcement with wording to the effect of, “We've been closely listening to consumer feedback.”

Even more interesting, it’s said that this announcement will come today.

Speaking on Twitter the author of the piece said, "I do not publish stuff I am not confident in. Yes, it is sourced anonymously, but I vet vigorously." He added, "Could I be wrong? Yes. But I don't publish stuff like this very often."

Brace yourselves.

Edit: Oddly, What Hi-Fi is carrying the same story, from seperate sources.







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d by cameras, the 21-year-old model played the part of celebrity well. Our advice? Enjoy your 15 minutes while it lasts, Mr. Luz. Given Madge’s appetite for love, your days may well be numbered.—Sameer ReddyPhoto: Agencia Fotositegive gilles a break style file Style.com

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it: it's a photograph. He might have raised his hand to his heart a split second later. But while I'm here, lest get to the root of the commentary here against Obama: how far has the past eight years of mindless, patriotic BS advanced the integrity of this nation of 280 million nationally and internationally. Nationalism is a BAD thing. My grandfather was alive and served in the German army during WWII and he used to tell me about the perils of patriotism and xenophobia. He said they were hoodwinked with guilt and false pride. Obama is an intelligent and conscientious leader, that's much better on both accounts of the jerks that hijacked out land in 2000 and 2004. November 21, 2007 at 10:00 am 142 Jacob Burleson says: I think Obama, like everyone else, should raise his hand to his heart. It is, after all, o something he was probably raised doing. Addressing the fact that sometimes he does and sometimes he doesn't gives me the idea that he is patriotic whenever he feels like it. President Obama is due to address the nation today whenever he feels like getting out of bed. November 21, 2007 at 3:40 pm 143 Bill says: To Dave: President Bush read the book right side up. You should watch FarenHYPE 9 11, which features the teacher who was present on that morning. However, I do like Whoopie's joke about the team soccer jerseys cheap president waving to Stevie Wonder! November 21, 2007 at 10:43 pm 144 eterte says: Obama is a muslim by birthright. Therefore as a muslim, he is the enemy of america. Get rid his jihad loving ass out of power immediatley! November 22, 2007 at 5:33 pm 145 Casper Denmark says: Now I understand how soccer jerseys online Gore IQ=190 could loose to Bush IQ=90, judging from the comments above it seems that 85% of politically interested americans are dimwits 8230 Political patriotism has post 9 11 been reduced to the ability to appear in the vicinity of flags, veterans and bibles, and to a lesser degree to act in ways brave and beneficial to your country. November 22, 2007 at 8:30 pm 146 Glenn says: I have enough troubles with politicans being not only liers, opportunitists looking for more power and mostly not some one I'd br


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raighten past 10 degrees. I am swimming 4 days wk plus PT 4 days wk and am diligent in doing the exercises suggested as I was very active before the meniscus repair. I can 8217 t do most exercises because even a stationary bike requires about 90 degrees of bending. It may be the scar tissue preventing me from getting more motion back. The doctor does not want to do manipulation under anathesia to break up the scar tissue for fear of tearing the stiches. With such limited range of motion and extreme stiffnes and soarness, it is impossible to do anything but swim and walk on flat surfaces with wholesale jerseys a heavy limp. Since it was basically 3 months of being immobile, I think the scar tissue built up the point it is making it impossible to get mobility back. From what I read there is limited time to get your range of motion back and I am getting worried that I will not be able to get it back. Has anyone else had issues with range of motion and how long did it take to get back and what did you do? Mary November 18, 2011 at 7:36 am 92 nbsp Dean nbsp says: Hey guys I wrecked my knee last week ehile walking! I 8217 m 23 and very active. I was told to rest for a week and was back in work for the first day back without any cheap soccer jerseys online pain and sitting at my desk typing it came back, I hadkeyhole surgery and they repaired it yesterday I 8217 m in a full leg brace and in agony, I was senthome less than 2 hours after waking up, I hope it will heal February 2, 2012 at 2:25 pm 93 nbsp Len nbsp says: I 8217 ve been having periodic knee pain for years, when my knee is slighty flexed if there is the slightest rotaition applied my knee for lack of a better term 8220 locks up 8221 . I haven 8217 t felt pain like that before, it only happens two or three times a year and if I force my leg straight it pops back. It just happened a week ago and this time it wouldn 8217 t go back as usual, after twenty minutes of trying it finally went back, the pop was so loud my wife thought I broke a bone. My Dr. suspects that I have a bucket handle tear and from reading some of the posts it sound like it might be. February 27, 2012 at 11:21 am 94 nbsp And






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