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Hmmm robots

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Grunt (1/19)



  1. 343 industries send me an email i wanna know your damn contact information cause im ticked off about most of your banning rules cause you wronfully ban people and it needs to stop

    1. Vitamin Pwn

      Vitamin Pwn

      this is just a community forum, nit the official forums so dont expect an reply from 343 here

    2. a live dinosaur

      a live dinosaur

      Lol 343i doesn't ban people, they have an automated system that bans people. Go to halo.xbox.com and tell them there :3

  2. I was playing flood aswell as doing a couple other things and i have been banned for who knows how long and this is proof they can make a mistake easily aswell as my monthly challenge is completed but i have no exp so once yet a again 343 has screwed up this is total bull and i think people need to be reconciled for the issues that have happened to them because its not our fault there automated system of banning is doing it to people who don't diserve it Thanks a lot im almost regretting buying this game btw 343 i would love to relieve an email for telling me what I've done wrong but i highly doubt you will.
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