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My Own Weekly Wrap-Up (Inspired by: Drizzy_Dan)


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Hey guys, I decided to create this thread to kind of "wrap-up" some cool things I did this week that involves Halo.  Some of it will include videos I uploaded along with some random stuff -- this is a "mini" version of what @Drizzy_Dan does.  lol  This thread will also condense the amount of video threads I tend to make smile.gif

First off, screenshots of the day!!
On my twitter/facebook I like to choose a "Halo 4 Screenshot of the Day" and post it.  Below, you can find all of the screenshots I chose from this week>Note: there is not a guaranteed screenshot everyday -- sometimes there is not enough hours in the day for me to choose/upload a screenshot 

Anyways...here they are:


"Halo 4 Shadow Logo"




"The Venator"


"The Shadow"


"Push Forward"


by: DAYVID117

Besides the screenshots,
I started my week on YouTube by uploading 2 Montages

The first one is a Snapshot Montage!!

The second one is a Splatter Montage!!

After those two videos being uploaded, my friend showed me a MOD that makes your spartan even SMALLER than the MOD "mini slayer"  -- This MOD is called "Super Mini Slayer"!!

Due to the revolt of Microsoft Fans over the past couple weeks, Microsoft made some changes to the xbox one because of some of the negative feedback they received.

If you have seen the changes they made to the xbox one, check out this next video to be informed:

Curious to see the flood in Halo 4 with armor abilities? sprint? or even incineration cannons? Check out this video for all that and more with the help of this one amazing modded game type!

Check out these 2 amazing Halo 4 mods that allow you to have more team colors in your custom games on Halo 4!!

To wrap-up the week, I relaxed and played a bit of matchmaking --  I found a game and a whole team had the same beginning to their gamertag for some clan --sort of like "KSI (insert name)"  "DHG (insert name)"
When the game began, the whole game paused (i have never seen anything like it) -- I saw a banshee fly open around ragnarok and park itself on the ground--I saw a mantis randomly explode...weird, huh?
But that was nothing really special--you are probably thinking it was just lag--But then, this "lag" was different because this one guy was on the red team to begin with, and as people were joining/leaving -- he ended up on the blue team -- i thought that was very weird.  k -- enough of my lame matchmaking stories!!

I hope you guys were entertained a little bit by this post smile.gif Let me know what you think

Thanks for reading/watching



P.S.  I am doing a Microsoft Points Giveaway on my facebook fan page! More details here: https://www.facebook.com/events/140905672778440/



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