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Team Doubles Settings

textured air

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I love the addition of team doubles and I think the edited maps play great for 2v2, however there is a huge problem with the weaponry available.


Why is there 2-3 times as many power weapon spawns in a 2v2 setting than there is on 4v4 or even in big team battles? It makes no sense to me that throughout the entire game, one team or the other will have either a railgun or sticky det with a bountiful supply of ammo. A much greater proportion of kills are by power weapons in this playlist than in any other one, and being 2v2 this has a waaaay bigger influence on the outcome of the game than in others. It also has a way bigger influence on the strategy and replayability of the playlist. I thought it was cool at first having a railgun and sticky det (power but requiring skill too) but after realizing they respawn so incredibly fast that you can use them almost exclusively the entire game (not to mention the speed boost which is a huuuuuge advantage in 2v2) I lost my desire to get back into playing doubles again. The weapons being on timers is a good thing, but those timers need be atleast twice as long as they are, and maybe rotate the weapon postitions as well.


I hope an update comes out that will make changes to this playlist, but I think it would be an easier solution to offer more playlists instead of just more voting options because then you have people backing out until they get what they want. A competetive 2v2 playlist without so many power weapons that it dominates the game would be great.



P.S. The sniper on abandon is ridiculous too, essentially unlimited sniper ammo in a 2v2!?!?!

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Thanks for your response, however if you read my post more carefully then you would find that my issue is not that there is power weapons, but the frequency they spawn at.


Sure two power weapons and a power up is a "basic" setup for 2v2 but I dont believe theres ever been a 2v2 setting with 12 bullets of respawning sniper ammo every 90 seconds. My suggestion would be to lengthen the timers or give the power weapons less ammo to start with. My problem with the speed boost as a power up is that with the length of time that it stays active, it is in my opinion much more useful than an overshield and can in many cases be more useful than a damage boost which lasts about half as long.

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