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Non Gameplay additions/fixes

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I will start by saying that I really do like the direction that 343 has taken halo. You guys have added lots of new features and really created a great and in-depth game while making it something different, and it really seems like you guys have your own vision for what this game can be and are going after it. That being said I think there are a few small hings that got overlooked that could help this game.


1. Menu Music- I really like the musical score for the game, however no matter how much I like it having to hear the same music over and over just drives me crazy. My suggestion would be to add the option in audio/video controls to turn menu music off, as it is now I just mute my TV in between every game. Another suggestion would be to expand the musical selection, maybe 3-4 times as much overall music giving more variety instead of repetition.


2. Medal- I must say that I love the new medal's/ordinance system and some of the new medals are great. I think in this department you guys made many innovative changes but you didnt finish off some of the ideas. Having a wingman medal is great and I love knowing when im helping my team with assists, but if your going to have a 5 assist medal, where is the assist frenzy and beyond, and why can we not atleast earn multiple wingman medals in a life. In the same vein Id like to see multi-assist medals, as well combo medals, like a kill and assist within 4.5 seconds of each other. Of course adding these medals would affect gameplay by allowing faster ordinance but that can all be tuned to balance it out. I just think with the medal/ordinance system in place that rewards "good" play not just getting kills, that its important to have these extra determinations.


3. Weapon Specific medals - I love being able to see exactly how many fuel rod and rocket kills I had after the game. So it only seems right to have incineration cannon kills as well as every other weapon that got left out, sticky det, shotgun, scattershot. Weapon sprees are something I would love to see come back also, knowing that you just went on a spree with one weapon is just cool and adds to the fun of things. A distinction between sniper body kills and head kills would be interesting as well.


4. Loadouts - It would be great if we could have more than 5 loadouts, as its really not enough to give you all the loadouts youd want for all of the different maps and gametypes. We have the ability to change our loadouts in the middle of the game by going through the pause screen, but it would just be so much easier to have 2-3 more loadouts.


Thanks for all the hard work and effort 343.

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I do wish the weapon sprees were still present like the sniper, sword, hammer, shotgun, and laser sprees. Don't exactly know why 343i took them out. they also got rid of the perfection medal which I don't understand either. I think there should have been more assist sprees instead of just wingman. They got rid of the weapon sprees and replaced them with stupid ones like Shield Destroyer and all the ones for Dominion.


I also think there should have been more then just 5 loud outs. I would've been fine with 7.

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