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Ideas for Halo 5


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Editing terrain


Change time of day


Change weather


One big forge world


A Welding tool that lets you attach different pieces together


More colored parts


Make it so we don't have to wait for the game to generate the light before we go from ball to spartan




Some sort of boat


A forunner vehicle


Unsc flying vehicle


(This ones probably not going to happen) drivable Vulture from halo wars and Mammoth from halo 4




Better ranks like warrant officer, brigadier, general, etc. instead of just rank 1, 2, 3,4 etc.


Dedicated servers for co op campaign and firefight/spartan ops


Bring an improved firefight back


More weapons


Theater for campaign and spartan ops/firefight


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I like and agree with all comments, but the ones that i feel they should put extra consideration behind are, server and theater for spartan ops/campaign, and firefight with server and theater. halo 3 ODST's firefight was challenging and entertaining, and while they add some variations in reach's firefight (example, generator defense) it was far more boring and redundent. it took less skill and teamwork. so if they do add firefight(which i hope they do) they should blend the two where there are more than one firefight game type, but is still really challenging and probably need lot of teamwork to get vary far. also editing terrain, excpecialy the ability to add or delete trees. that was one of the worst parts of reach's forge. more color would really help to make the map stand out, and have call outs.

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