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Halo 5: Hopes And Dreams

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Ladies and Gentlemen of the forums; gamers of the internet.

I find myself wondering if i am the only one who was not satisfied with halo 4, why? simple. first off i felt the campaign was an utter journey of going from point 'A' to 'B' and pushing buttons. Doing cortana's [female dog] work. The requiem levels were somewhat dull and i didn't feel that sense of hopeless discovery while lost on an alien planet. no, i felt like i was there before. i wasn't worried or scared. in fact the game rarely captured my emotional attention, this was even more so disappointing with the death of cortana. is was not epic. it was not heartbreaking and after which i felt let down. fighting the didact was less epic then a simple assassination in m multiplayer. :coffee: :mellow: it felt like a halo game control wise, the graphics were amazing and i was blown away there, but nonetheless campaign wasn't all it was cooked up to be.

multiplayer is fabulous but the lack of maps is ridiculous and i wont be satisfied with A simple threemap DLC. Forge sucked. if we could just take forge world and add the controls of halo 4's forge we'd be good. but nobody cares what i have to say.

Just do better on halo 5. three things.1# more dramatic campaign #2 more multiplayer levels and more weapons. #3 Bigger forge pallet and map.

RIP Cortana



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