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Not Joinable


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Hi, I am wondering if anyone can help me or provide input on an issue I and my friends are continually having. We can not join eachother. If we use the Xbox game invite we get an error and if we use the in game invite screen we get an error. It always says something about not being joinable and that are networks have open Nats and the other persons is not compatible. Also when we hit X to go to roster and click on someone it always says not joinable in red and the party details are locked. It is doing this for about 6 of us.

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Xbox LIVE requires the following ports to be open:

  • Port 88 (UDP)
  • Port 3074 (UDP and TCP)
  • Port 53 (UDP and TCP)
  • Port 80 (TCP)

Opening these ports will help insure your NAT setting stays open.



Error: Your NAT type is set to strict (or moderate)

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