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Just some things.


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Hi. I know my voice will most likely not be heard, but I figured why not. I bought Halo 4 at midnight release because I have always loved Halo since I was a child playing halo 2 with my uncle. So after playing Halo 4 for some time there are some things I found that seem to be a bit off in my personal opinion.


1. The DMR seems a bit over powered. Now I'm not saying "WTF THIS GUN R REDUCULUS KILL IT WITH FIRE!!!" it just seems to match well against every weapon in any situation. At long range, unless the person they are attacking has a sniper or another DMR, there is little to no chance of them fighting back. It's unfair because of how well it does work against other weapon types. I know I'm going to be told to "get used to it it's not OP" but it is true though. My solution to this would be to please increase the time between shots. That way it can still do its job, long range fire, and not slaughter everything at any range.


2. The bolt shot. I will honestly say I enjoy this gun a lot and use it, but it is a little too powerful for a pistol. I'm hitting people with shotguns and scattershots and putting them down before they can down me. For a if it were a gun that people would pick up, not a problem, but for a starter weapon beating ordinance drops, it's a bit much. I suggest the range be lowered for this gun but keep the power so if someone decides to hug a bolt shot user, the will lose their last meal.


3. The thruster is... It's just terrible. It is amazing and will actually send flood flying in that game mode, but in a regular slayer it moves players slower than in they were walking... This one just needs a boost.


4. Fix the kill cams please. They are just a waste of time currently because they aren't even right most of the time. I have watched someone kill me shooting through a wall. They must have had magic curving bullets and if they do I'd love to get in on some of that.


5. Just one final thing, what ever happened to the "when you are shot you zoom out" thing?


Well this is all I can think of for the moment. I do hope 343 does take the time to fix atleast one of these. Thank you!

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1-i agree it needs a slight adjustment, imo a lsower ttk by about .2 seconds.


2-i agree keeping the same function, but shorter range, point blank really.


3-it has its uses, but i can see a buff to it of uyp to 25-33% without overpowering it.


4-its a lag issue, tho i wonder if there is a way to compensate.


5-they changed it, cuz apparently they want world of snipecraft.../yawn while i side strafe

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