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Thoughts on 343's effort so far

Field of Mangos

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I really like this game, but as a fan since release day for H:CE, I have some constructive thoughts on the MM for H4.




- I think there's a good combination of large and small maps, as well as close quarters and more open style combat. In conjunction with this, I feel like the game maintains some of the physics from Reach, but plays like Halo 3. I love this; while Halo 2 was an unforgettable experience, Halo 3 was a game I could never put down. Just thousands of games played in H3 and I think 343 really did a good job of capturing that overall feel.


- There appears to be very good weapon balance. While I'll concede that I do think the DMR is a little too powerful, my main weapon to this point has been the BR and I don't feel like there's an unfair advantage against me.


- While purely aesthetic, I do enjoy being able to unlock armor on an achievement-driven basis. This is a great way to challenge yourself to be a better all-around player.


- Most of the popular game modes are back, and the hoppers will be updated soon. This is a positive, but will obviously withhold further judgement until the time is appropriate.




- Point system for scoring matches. If it's Oddball, 1 point per second; Slayer, 1 point per kill. Does it matter? Not really...I just think it makes scoring easier to follow under the old way, and much less "gimmicky" for giving 5, 10, 15 points for different accomplishments.


- Customizing loadouts. In a way, I like this, because it eliminates the old H3 arguments of AR vs. BR start, and you get to put your own personal touch on how you play each map. On the other hand, I have preferred everyone being on a level playing field when the match starts....which brings me to my next point....


- Ordinance drops. Fun! Yay! You get a fun little gun/grenade/personal effect for reaching x number of points. Kinda cool, like winning a challenge and being able to pick your prize from door number 1, 2 or 3. Still, I much preferred having to fight for the power weapons. Take Valhalla/Ragnarok for example...in H3 I loved having a sniper and a couple plasma grenades at each base, then a mad dash to control the Spartan Laser.


In a way, this is good. There isn't a mass funnel to one point in a map and just having essentially a tug of war to dominate a spot; but that also almost immediately determined your winner. Very hard to come back from dominating a spot on the map. Now, there's much more chaos all over the maps as a result of not contesting weapon drops....which leads me again into my next point.....


- Too much balance? I find it very hard to control any portion of the maps in H4. Again, using Ragnarok as an example: In H3 you could get a sniper and crouch in the rocks and take out players, or control the laser and dominate the hill, or control the side of the map with the pelican. Now, you're really never safe anywhere. This can be both good and bad.




Join in Progress - I've never liked this in any game. Quitting is an inherent problem in online MM, but the people you start with are the people you should end with. I can't see how you can play a "ranked" game in the future when the personnel are changing mid-match.


3 choices for pre-game map selection. The veto system for H3 was perfect. We shouldn't be allowed to have so many options. The same map "favorites" usually get picked and I am of the opinion that you should be forced into playing certain maps at times.



Again, I really like Halo 4. I do NOT feel like this game tries to be like CoD, and in fact I think it does a great job of maintaining the "feel" of Halo.

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