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Thoughts About Main Weapon Balance


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Here is my proposed fix on the starting weapons that there are controversy over. I feel like the weapons don't live up to their justice of role (AR is pretty much useless, although I never use it, and the DMR is very strong in all situations):


DMR: Keep the damage per shot and 5 shots to kill, but decrease the firing rate to how fast it was if you controlled your DMR shots in Reach, or perhaps about the time, give or take a tenth of second.. This will make it better for long range - mid range only, as in close range a faster firing weapon will win. However, since it is still accurate, it is still a good weapon, just not as much close range.


BR: Return the 4 shot kill, but increase the shot spread. Not by a huge amount, because then it would be incredibly inaccurate, but impose a randomized spread so that is is still very effective at short and mid ranges, but more ineffective than the DMR at long range. This is not OP because 4 shot is as in the shields are still up after the 3rd shot, ONLY if all 3 bullets of each shot have hit the target. Finally, the 4th shot only kills the enemy if all 3 bullets hit as well, and the last bullet connects with the head. The 2nd bullet of the final shot takes out the shields, so if you didn't hit the head with the 3rd bullet, it becomes a 5 shot kill. Applying this, and increasing the spread/bloom of the BR will not change how hard it is to kill people with the BR as much, as every bullet from every shot must hit the enemy to kill them (with the final bullet being to the head).

Basically, return it back to the old way, but increase bloom/spread so you actually have to aim. This also makes it weaker at long ranges. At close range, an AR or any close range weapon can beat it if the user does not aim properly.


AR: Increase damage, increase bloom/spread, and bloom/spread rate. In close quarters, it will beat a BR or DMR unless someone is very good with a DMR/BR.


Lightrifle: The light rifle is weak at close range, but strong at long range. Therefore (and this applies to all weapons) you should be unscoped whenever you get hit so the Lightrifle's scope power cannot be abused at close range.


Carbine: The carbine is pretty good and very balanced. They could possibly decrease by 1 hit the amount of hits it takes to kill the enemy, and slightly decrease firing rate as well.


Magnum: No real problem here, but it's a tad bit too accurate for a pistol, so they could make it a little less accurate for it's fire rate. But don't take my opinion here, because I have no problem with the magnum.


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