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343 people, with regards to achievements, Halo Reach, and the blasted Defiant maps.


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With Halo 4's launch on the horizon, I'm sure a lot of people want to flesh out their Waypoint accolades. I know a few of my friends and I are dusting off their Reach jewel cases and practicing their two-stick shooter skills as well as going for often overlooked and ignored achievements just for some OCD comfort and enjoyment.


However, there is a bit of a problem here.


The community is a ghost of what it once was, hoppers have fewer people by several thousand from just a year ago, gametypes are split amongst like 20 hoppers, and these achievements require very specific map types and game variants for the most part.


Right now, my biggest problem by myself is just getting the freaking chance to work at one of the achievements. For instance, the one involving last man standing on Defiant maps. There's what, one Defiant map with an infection variant, which shows up basically never due to very few people having thrown money down on a three map map pack (one of which was a firefight map). Not to mention there seems to be a really massive favoring of Alpha Zombies on Uncaged for whatever reason. I attempted to play like 20 Infection games last night and I think uncaged was about 18 of them, and in nearly every single one there were at least two failed-to-load-map cycles (which as a friend of mine has said is apparently some weird thing people do on purpose; scratching their discs to prevent various maps from loading?) as well as zero showings of Condemned. This gets even worse once you consider how infrequently either Defiant map is represented on any hopper in terms of acquiring the armor lock assassination and CTF shutout achievements.


What if I get a bunch of my friends (read: not random people from boosting websites) and we jump into things to throw votes one way or another and vie for achievements? Will we get banned or wrist-slapped for this?


What if we're throwing a dummy guest or two down for just one game to fill the lobby out to bring up our odds? (read: not ruining other people's games because we're filling the lobby with us, not throwing 3 players, 7 dummy guests, and ruining the game for the two randoms we get matched with). Will we get banned for this?


Yeah sure achievements aren't terribly important and I know I missed the heyday chance to get them, but my friends and I are kind of bummed that we're basically being blocked by lack of map representation for the Defiant achievements. We're fighting RNG on voting, other people not owning DLC, or being jerks with disc scratching, or only running into the same 10 people voting for Rocket Hog all day.


I mean at this point I swear to Halsey the only way I will EVER see a Defiant infection game will be if I round up 11 friends that own the DLC and hope I don't get banned for it. I really hope someone from 343 shows up and tells me it's okay to full friend lobby up with DLC owners to pop a few painfully restricted achievements and nothing more (lord knows other people's achievement farming has been flagged as credit/exp boosting time and time again).


I doubt you guys can tweak the achievements for removing map restrictions, but if possible that would be a godsend. I have gotten last man standing, CTF shutouts, penta-splatters, etc plenty of times on other maps before.


I doubt anyone at 343 is going to read this or see this, but I wanted to say something anyways. Till then, it's time to play more Reach than I ever have before over the next two weeks praying for RNG to pan out before I even get the CHANCE to get the achievements.

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