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DICE Vows Continued Support For Battlefield 3!


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EA officially revealed Battlefield 4 today as a project being developed at the company's Sweden-based DICE studio. Beyond that, however, no one's saying a peep about the game. Lest you forget, three more DLC packs are planned for DICE's last game, Battlefield 3, and that apparently means DICE isn't ready to talk Battlefield 4 just yet.


"There is no further Battlefield 4 news at this point," reads a post from DICE on the Battlefield 4 subpage. "With the Back to Karkand and Close Quarters expansion packs already out, Armored Kill around the corner, and End Game and Aftermath still on the horizon, we're looking forward to many more hours of gameplay with you, and can't wait to see the stories you will tell through Battlelog and player created videos."


With Medal of Honor's 2010 reboot, EA set out to match its competition's annual shooter, Call of Duty. EA's Los Angeles-based Danger Close studio is in charge of EA's Medal of Honor franchise, apparently trading off years with DICE and the Battlefield franchise. The two franchises currently share DICE's Frostbite 2.0 game engine, and Danger Close's next MoH employs DICE's Battlelog system as well. Thus far, EA has yet to best Activision's Call of Duty powerhouse (in terms of sales and critical reception) with its two shooter franchises.

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Hopefully DICE will add mod support for Battlefield 3 after the last DLC is released. That would really set it apart from the COD Franchise who scraped all mod support after COD4. There last DLC comes in March 2013.


They better do something drastically different with Battlefield 3, I want an MMO like feel. Without a feature like that I can't imagine the game would be drastically different from BF3, it's like comparing COD games multiplayer.


I want 800 player servers on huge maps at least. No short cuts that you can purchase to.

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