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Halo Fan Fiction- Spartans after the War


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On Earth 2553, March 3rd the War that killed billions from both sides was ended, The Monument was placed and as for the Spartans, John- 117 thought to be the last Spartan was labeled KIA, And the question what happened to the rest was answered, on April 10th, 2553, Spartan 101 named Victor is found on an unknown Forerunner Outpost on Teramis a human planet, he along with 7 other Spartans are found and recovered, they retired for about 2 years until tensions grew with the Jackals as humans encroached on Jackal Territory, as the Humans tried to draw up a peace treaty the jackals fired first as the Grunts and Hunters sided with the humans and the Jackals lost the Barrier War, the agreed to let humans go into their territory in exchange for jackals to be able to immigrate to Earth. Elites eventually got power hungry and attacked Brutes while the Drones sided with the Brutes the Humans and all other human races stayed neutral and after July 3, 2555 they attacked the Humans and the Covenant was reborn, as Elites secretly abducted Grunts and mutated them the Jackals volunterily joined as the Arbiter now the Elite Counciler he objected a war stating "I was a friend with a Human, he risked his life for everyone, don't make his sacrifice in vain." But words cannot stop fire as a Human was approached by a Shanghelli, the Shanghelli ordered a shutdown of the Human Weapons Station near Shanghellios, the human was just a guard and couldn't do anything, the Elite pulled out a Needler asking one more time to shut it down the guard denied and pulled out a Magnum and the both fired on each other, that was the spark that lit the new Covenant. The UNSC was forced to get Dr. Joseph Halsey, Doctor Catherine Halsey's Daughter, to start the Spartan IV's Any old Spartans could join back but out of the seven that were recovered 3 were badly disabled and only two accepted the offer to join back. And that wasn't the start of the hardships the new Covenant attacked the UNSC Infinity, badly damaging it. To make matters worse the Covenant spotted the thought destroyed Foward unto Dawn and went after it, the UNSC knew if anyone could make it it was 117, They sent the repaired Infinity to get it but lost contact and well, the rest is in Halo 4.

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