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Posts posted by GTjimipage

  1. I'm confused about your statement. Halo (like pretty much all games) has always been pay to play as you need to put down about 60 bucks for the game download/disc.

    If you're talking about microtransactions (REQ packs) then that doesn't make Halo pay to play as the items obtained from these packs do not have a significant impact on the game itself and are not required to play the game entirely.

    If anything Halo 5 is more playerbase friendly for making all map packs and additions free.

    Agreed. And pretty much all the REQ packs can be bought with RP. Even the special ones they come up with every once in a while can usually be bought at around 80k-100k RP apiece.





    Bring split-screen back for Halo 6! Please sign and share!


  2. I must be in the minority on this thread, because I loved Halo 4. The campaign was a little weak, but the gameplay was kickass. my buddies and I would spend hours on the couch, playing BTB. It seemed like it was really geared for teamwork, with the different abilities each player could choose to have standard. Halo 5 has included/excluded so many elements that i would not have expected, given the direction the first four games were pointing. I feel like Warzone and REQ Packs could definitely see some improvements, but I love that they're including different versions of weapons, especially throwback versions (Halo CE pistol FTW!). The main thing that really made it feel different for me was (and I know I sound like a broken record here) the removal of split-screen. That is how I primarily played: online, with a buddy or two (or three) on the couch next to me. So, this literally changed the way I play the game, more-so than any other changes to the mechanics and whatnot. All-in-all, I feel like Halo 5 is a solid game by itself. It would be my favorite Halo game if they had favored local co-op over 60fps. Halo 6 has the potential to be my new favorite, as long as they figure their sh-- out with split-screen. 


    The first Halo Wars was fun, but it seemed like a slightly clunkier version of Starcraft, as far as the mechanics go. After trying the HW2 demo, it feels about the same as HW1, but with a couple extra bells and whistles (and some Brutes) thrown-in. I don't have too much experience with console-based RTS games, but this one is pretty fun--even if it's not going to win any GOTY awards.




    Help bring split-screen back for Halo 6! Please sign and share this petition!


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  3. Hey guys! Frank O'Connor mentioned in an interview last year that we were better-off petitioning to bring split-screen multiplayer back for Halo 6. Well here it is, Frankie! Please sign and share this petition. Let's show 343 that split-screen is still important to us!



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