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Posts posted by CaptainDireWolf

  1. GT: CaptainDireWolf
    *CUSTOM GAMETYPE: "Man of War" : https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/games/halo-5-guardians/xbox-one/game-variants?lastModifiedFilter=Everything&sortOrder=BookmarkCount&page=1&gamertag=CaptainDireWolf#ugc_halo-5-guardians_xbox-one_gamevariant_CaptainDireWolf_995f6672-068f-474a-8c4b-fcce07516878
    *2-16 players (8v8 I think would work best, but I haven't tried more than 2v2 yet. Fingers crossed the map doesn't crash with more people with all the welding involved)

    Download link: https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/games/halo-5-guardians/xbox-one/map-variants?lastModifiedFilter=Everything&sortOrder=BookmarkCount&page=1&gamertag=CaptainDireWolf#ugc_halo-5-guardians_xbox-one_mapvariant_CaptainDireWolf_7e452556-dab3-452a-bd68-a87afd0448a4




    Welcome to BlackFlags, a hearty swashbuckling adventure filled with heroic sword fights, epic sea battles, and plenty of pirate booty hidden about on the islands of the Caribbean. For my latest map I wanted to combine the incredible pirate battles seen in Assassin's Creed Black Flag with the awesome breakout gameplay of halo 5. As always, I also wanted to push forge's boundaries as far as it could go... and out came sailable pirate ships ;) (The gametype "Man of War" came about as that's the name of some of the biggest sailing ships with cannons on them back in the day)




    The game is fairly straightforward; blue and red team spawn on opposite islands in the Caribbean and the goal is to wipe out the enemy team before the end of the round. You have the choice of piling into the ship located right off the dock of your island and sailing off to attack the enemy (by driving the welded scorpion), or you can island hop around the map, discovering treasure chests along the way that contain weapons other than swords if you want to engage in some firefights. My hope was to push the gameplay towards more sword fights as this is a massive ship battle, but I believe the addition of the power weapons on the map certainly add to the swashbuckling experience. Additionally, a fun offshoot of creating drivable ships over water is that if the scorpion tank ever gets destroyed, the entire ship will sink rather dramatically (yeayuhhhh!)




    Another important aspect I wanted to carefully craft was the environment. As this is based on the Caribbean islands I wanted players to feel completely immersed in the experience. With this in mind, you will spot a wide variety of plant life, rock formations, hanging skeletons, sunken ships, sandbars, treasure chests, and of course sea turtles. I've also included a hidden weapon accessed by locating a red "X marks the spot" somewhere in the map (not THAT hidden as I wanted it accessible to people).




    SIDE NOTE: The ships themselves take some getting used to in driving well, but after the first time you should get the hang of it. The only issue that I've noticed is that the ship occasionally starts rocking (realistic I know), but over time it may cause people to flip off or the ship to do a barrel roll (yee-haw). To fix this, have the driver drive backwards a little before moving forward again and it should solve the issue. Sadly welding isn't perfect and I doubt I'll be able to fix this weird phenomenon, so just embrace the craziness.


    With that, I welcome any and all suggestions in making this gaming experience even better as this is the largest project I've worked on (welding the ships themselves took a couple weeks to get right). Hope you enjoy. Cheers!


    Enjoy some more pics!









    • Like 3
  2. Testing it in my lobby tonight at 8pm EST. You should try to come so you can see your map in action. You'll also see the issues(if there are any) in person :)


    I know it's already been submitted a while ago, but I just thought you should know, I updated the map and officially fixed the whale getting stuck on the bottom grid by removing it entirely and lowering the whale so he is submerged as he should be. I removed the shark concept and made it so that the infected are simply pirates on the pirate ship nearby shooting at the remaining boats. He can still occasionally get stuck on the boats themselves if people jump out of them or something, but he can easily be backed up to continue the rampage without breaking the game. Anyways, on to the next map! ;)

  3. @Zandril


    Raised the whale up a little bit more to fix the issue of it getting stuck on the bottom grid. Just played it with 8 people (Mr. Pokephile and Comedy included) and it ran rather smoothly. No issues for that match, so let me know if you encounter anything unusual in the future. Cheers.

  4. Testing it in my lobby tonight at 8pm EST. You should try to come so you can see your map in action. You'll also see the issues(if there are any) in person :)


    Ahhhh I have company over tonight so I probably won't be able to come. Real life is taking hold of my precious forge time! lol


  5. Got to play this with 12 players today. Haven't yet tried its stability with 16(have you?)


    - Biggest issue at the moment is the Whale flipping about. http://xboxclips.com/Zandril%20S312/f4833f6b-2528-4707-a90f-c4bceb4c36f6

    - I don't like that people who respawn as "seagulls" are pretty much doomed to die. A guaranteed death is never really a good idea. They should have some sort of "break". The way it's set up now, they respawn in the air no matter what and whether they ground pound or not, they fall to their death. The ground pound should be a choice for the players. Not to mention that players who are unfamiliar with the map won't know that they have to ground pound so they'll just be confused that they're falling to their death.

    My idea is that people respawn at an elevated level where they can plan their ground pound down to the remaining survivors. Then there can be a teleporter that sends those who miss back at the platform(since apparently, you can ground pound through teleporters). Just an idea. Not sure how it fits with the map's current set-up.


    This version was a huge improvement over the last. It was awesome to be able to actually drive the boats, dodge the whale, and just watch the giant monstrosity chase people around. Hope you can fix the current issues :)


    Alright... now that you probably don't want to feature this sucker after so many changes to get it working, I think I have it.

    - Whale doesn't flip anymore. It drives smoothly.

    - Infected don't randomly fall into oblivion and die forever. Apparently blockers disappear in customs if you put them too far below the water's surface... Fixed that ****.

    - Boats drive well. There are only 10 of them as I'm always afraid of the game crashing if I add more welded vehicles, but I think it works out well if people figure out by the second round to jump into the boats together so that the passenger can help kill the infected that try to jump in their boat.

    - Certainly willing to change up infected/survivor traits and weapons based on your preferences after testing it. Let me know if there are any other stupid bugs that I might've missed too and I'll work to fix it to get this puppy up and purring like a kitten. Thanks again for enduring the frustration of testing it.







    It doesn't even have to be the seagulls concept. Could be something else entirely that doesn't have guaranteed deaths.


    Loved the meme. Conveyed your thoughts perfectly. Well I've officially updated the map again and I believe this time I may have it! The invisible barriers are the bane of my existence when used in infection gamemodes apparently. Anyways, here are the changes:


    - Moved the warthog driving the whale down behind/below it so that the whale moved about like its supposed to.

    - Added barrels underneath to counter the swinging momentum, however I found out that no matter what I do, the barriers below become slightly offset in customs (another son of a b*&^$ moments for me), so there are slight bumps when driving... which kinda feels like riding over waves I supposes. Oh well.

    - Made it so the infected become sharks like they were originally supposed to as I was able to move the barriers around. Looking for input on beginning traits for them as I thought it would be cool for them not to jump or do any damage per se, but move rather fast and spartan charge kinda like a shark does when headbutting so that they can slow down the boats.


    Appreciate any feedback you guys have. I TRULY appreciate you guys playing this damn game over and over again waiting for it to actually be fun lol. Thanks.



    if you make an invisible barrier under the map and have objects welded to the whale under it, you can essentially lock the whale to water level


    And thank you Blue spartan for the tip of the barrels. That really helped!


    • Like 1
  7. Got to play this with 12 players today. Haven't yet tried its stability with 16(have you?)


    - Biggest issue at the moment is the Whale flipping about. http://xboxclips.com/Zandril%20S312/f4833f6b-2528-4707-a90f-c4bceb4c36f6

    - I don't like that people who respawn as "seagulls" are pretty much doomed to die. A guaranteed death is never really a good idea. They should have some sort of "break". The way it's set up now, they respawn in the air no matter what and whether they ground pound or not, they fall to their death. The ground pound should be a choice for the players. Not to mention that players who are unfamiliar with the map won't know that they have to ground pound so they'll just be confused that they're falling to their death.

    My idea is that people respawn at an elevated level where they can plan their ground pound down to the remaining survivors. Then there can be a teleporter that sends those who miss back at the platform(since apparently, you can ground pound through teleporters). Just an idea. Not sure how it fits with the map's current set-up.


    This version was a huge improvement over the last. It was awesome to be able to actually drive the boats, dodge the whale, and just watch the giant monstrosity chase people around. Hope you can fix the current issues :)


    Bahaha that clip looked ridiculous. Alright will try to stabilize the whale more. Not sure if what blue spartan will help as i believe the issue deals with the huge "moment arm" or pendulum if you will, created by welding the warthog to the whale. I'll try to counterbalance it or move the warthog somewhere else. I'll let you know if I fix the issue.

    The seagulls teleporting instead of dying is a good idea, though putting a teleporter right at the waters edge might be difficult in that it may not go deep enough for the seagulls to ground pound and not die, as ground pounding sometimes is too fast for the teleporter to pick up. Though I'll give it a shot or figure out another work around. Maybe I could change the respawn time to instant so it doesn't feel so bad...


  8. @BlueSpartan119

    How does welding objects below the whale keep it from flying into space? Are you suggesting I reorient where the warthog is located somewhere else? I appreciate your feedback as the whale flying about when hit does bother me.

  9. - So I've made major updates to the map. Tested it with only one other person and it seems to play okay, i.e. you can now successfully drive the whale with my custom gametype "Sea Monsters". (Stupid basic infection parameters apparently really F'ed with the blocker type in my first map draft, so I threw away the shark concept to make this map work) Instead I changed it so once you are infected (eaten by the whale) you become part of a pack of angry *** seagulls, i.e. infected spawn in the sky and try to ground pound any surviving people to help with their good whale friend Moby ****.

    - I remade the boats, by removing some irritating pieces on the bottom of the lifeboats that were causing them to glitch out. Additionally, I changed it so there is no teleport of the boats because it caused a ton of issues. Instead the humans and boats spawn in the arena, which is much simpler.

    - I changed the name of the map to "MobyDick" in case you bookmarked the bad older version.

    - Let me know of any additional changes you'd like me to make to improve the experience of this map so it's feature worthy ;)


    • Like 2
  10. @Zandril

    Solid point. Though players are only teleported if they are the driver, so people have a chance to get in before being teleported. Half of the boats are oriented so that the passenger seat faces people when they spawn so hopefully people figure out after a round that its beneficial to have their friends in the passenger seat to shoot the infected sharks rather than running off without them. People will have to work together and talk to each other in order to survive haha.


    The weird thing that I found out about teleporting vehicles (and maybe I'm just missing out how to fix this with the teleporters in forge), but the vehicles will teleport in the direction that you want (setting the receiver to fixed), however the people inside the vehicle will look in the direction that they were before teleporting, which makes things kinda awkward when they show up in the arena looking in another direction compared to their vehicle. That's why I oriented the vehicles the way I did, but you're right that it might lead to some confusion in the beginning with people just getting in the drivers side and leaving their friends for dead. Sucks to suck. However, let me know if there's a better orientation for the boats to face to make it easier for people to understand which side to get in on, as I might be able to shift the layout so the boats are in front of everyone (and hopefully people grasp driver is typically on left and passenger is on right).

  11. GT: CaptainDireWolf
    *CUSTOM GAMETYPE: "Sea Monsters"
    *2-16 players


    “Call me Ishmael.” - Herman Melville

    Now that Tidal finally works again it's time for me to release... a gigantic, white whale named MobyDick who is wrecking havoc on all the ships of the sea!




    Hopefully some of you kids have read or heard about the legendary tale of MobyDick. If not, here's the gist of the story which you can now reenact:




    According to legend, Captain Ahab lost his leg to a monstrous white sperm whale during one of his voyages. The Captain has brought you and several other sailors with him this time to attempt to finish the job and kill MobyDick once and for all. You arrive on the whaler ship named the Pequod in search of your host, but alas, the great whale has snuck up and destroyed your ship yet again! Now you must survive on your little row boats until help arrives! Don't be whale lunch... oh and watch out for sharks and other dangerous monsters lurking in the deep... including the Lochness monster, the Kracken, a giant eel, and a rock sea serpent.


    The Rules:

    - There is a single alpha infected at the start of the match, who gets to drive and control the whale (yee-haw). His or hers goal is to have the whale swim around gobble up any of the survivors from your previous attack on their vessel in order to happily go back to relaxing in your peaceful sea.

    - The survivors (humans) are simply trying to stay alive for the time limit (SOS) before help arrives to airlift them out of there and out of danger.

    - Once a survivor is eaten by the whale and travels down his gullet, they become sharks (they are simply infected who can swim in the water), which provides another danger to watch out for.

    - I made it so the infected can do very little damage, but can spartan charge (kind of like a shark charging a boat to try and flip it and its passengers, or at least slow it down for their whale friend to eat the people up).

    - IMPORTANT TIP: It is highly recommended to have a side passenger in each boat so they can shoot the sharks and keep them out of your boat! Also, there are only 10 lifeboats to spare so don't get left behind!


    As always, I'd appreciate any helpful feedback to make it more of an enjoyable experience for people. I'd especially like to get feedback on the gametype and best traits for the survivors and infected. Thanks and hope you enjoy! Cheers!










    Your final view before being eaten alive by the whale...



    • Like 6
  12. Welcome everyone to another one of my ridiculous mini games dubbed: Lawnmower Spree! Watch out for ol' Farmer MC John as he attempts to mow down those pesky moles in his lawn once and for all...
    *CUSTOM GAMETYPE: "Stay off the Grass"
    *2-12 players



    The Rules:
    - The farmers' (zombies) job is to hop on their trusty lawnmowers and attempt to wipe out the annoying mole population that's been destroying their crops. With time (as more moles are killed), Farmer John's friends eventually come over to help him out by adding their own lawnmowers to the mix. WARNING for the farmers: don't jump or fall out of your lawnmower or you will be swept into your machine's blades. Sadly the lawnmower can't tell friend from foe...

    - The moles (humans) goal is simply to survive for the time limit and avoid the lawnmower blades. You want to live your happy mole life and proliferate beneath the comfy grass in peace. Sadly you can't jump very high, but you can run really fast to avoid the crazy farmer predators.

    SIDE NOTE: It IS possible to flip the lawnmower despite my best efforts to keep it from happening, but it helps to hold the left trigger when turning.

    With that I hope you enjoy this mini game for what it is: simple nonsense. I appreciate any and all suggestions for making this map better for the future. Check out the link for more info: http://www.forgehub.com/maps/lawnmower-spree.2945/



    More pics!













    • Like 5
  13. -Made some major updates to the lighting (blocking out the bright sun from above)

    -Took out the streetlights as they looked a little silly

    -Added more zombies and chests like in the game Diablo to make it more like you are foraging for gold

    -Fixed some scripting bugs with items spawning


    Let me know how it plays as I'd love for someone to test it out ;)

  14. Welcome to the zombie-infested and smoldering town of Tristram! I decided to recreate a well renown level from another one of my favorite games from my childhood; Diablo II.

    This is my FIRST attempt at an infection map so any feedback is greatly appreciated to make it better. I wanted to capture the essence of a 2D game and see what it might look like in 3D. As with most of my maps, I also wanted to make the map into a role-playing adventure like Diablo II, so the humans have an objective to complete rather than just surviving against the hordes of undead.



    For those of you who are familiar with the Diablo franchise, you'll know what I mean when I say: seek the secret cow level for your rewards. For those of you who are too young to know what the heck I'm talking about or are simply a PC n00b here you go:

    The Objective:
    Zombies: Do what you do best. Braaainnss...
    Humans: Run through the portal in Stony Field and you'll find yourself in Tristram. It's been destroyed by the Lord of Destruction himself, Diablo. To have any chance at surviving (as there are very limited amounts of weapons on the map) you must work together and collect a series of items to unlock the secret cow level.


    What to do:

    Rescue CainThumbnail_Large.PNG

    Find the Tome of Town PortalThumbnail_Large.PNG

    Discover the Horadric CubeThumbnail_Large.PNG

    Obtain Wirt's LegThumbnail_Large.PNG

    Kill the monster GriswoldThumbnail_Large.PNG


    Once you've found everything and unlocked the portal, you will find your rewards to survive a little bit longer among the undead. Word of caution however, if you stay in the secret cow level for too long or get trapped there, the Cow King will eat you...

    As always I look forward to any constructive comments on making my maps better. My GT is: CaptainDireWolf. Check out: http://www.forgehub.com/maps/tristram-diablo.2921/for more details.

    Enjoy those brains. Cheers!


    Now for some more pics!















    • Like 2
  15. Map Name: Starfighter Combat

    GT: CaptainDireWolf

    Players: 2-12 (Red vs. Blue)

    Gametype: up to 6v6 Breakout (it helps to change the settings so players can move the death cam, otherwise the viewpoint of the remaining team members is a little wonky)


    In a galaxy far, far away... you must choose to join the Dark Side and crush the rebellion, or join the Light Side and stop the Imperials from dominating everyone in the galaxy. In this Halo 5 map, I've worked to combine familiar "space battle" aspects from Star Wars Battlefront and the breakout style of Halo gameplay. Teams are red versus blue, and you can play up to 12 players (6v6) for epic space firefights.




    As a rebel you rush out of the Tantive IV, a CR90 Corvette (Princess Leia's ship), to pilot the versatile X-wings. The Imperials on the other hand jump out of the Star Destroyer's main hangar and fly Tie Fighters and Tie Bombers. As it is breakout, there are 5 rounds, where each side gets a chance to wipe out the enemy to win. Use the Asteroid field as cover as you try and flank the enemy team and declare victory.

    Hope you enjoy the map. Cheers!


    Disclaimer: As I employ the welding glitch for this map, there is always possibility of some glitchiness if your banshee is blown out from its aesthetic vehicle. (In a way it makes the map even more hilarious to play if this happens)


    Now for some pics!


















    • Like 3
  16. How about welding pieces to the mongooses to make them actually look like light bikes. Because that's really the selling point for me, as I said. Still, I'll try to find time to look at your spawning issues. No promises it'll be soon though.


    I managed to reweld the original objects to the scout warthogs pretty well so that's fixed at least. The problem with doing that to the mongeese is that they flip really easily... so I think you'll like the original design. The only problem is the damn spawns :(

  17. Played this in my last lobby and I do have some feedback.

    • Is there really no way for the minigame to work while having stuff welded to the vehicles? The vehicles actually looking like the Tron bikes was the map's best selling point and without it, everything's kinda stale. Think of it like your Podracer map but with just regular Ghosts.
    • Your gametype could use some work. Is there a life limit? Maybe set it to 3 lives. Not sure about this though because I only died twice before I had to end the game early. The whole lobby was complaining too much about the map.
    • Players shouldn't be allowed to walk on the arena. If they leave their vehicle, they should be teleported to their death. Maybe have a separate platform where the vehicles are that teleports players into the arena at the start of the match.
    • The arena itself could do with some work too. The ramps you slapped around just seem kinda lazy. You could at least create some more interesting geometry than just a basic ramp. Same goes for the two entrances to the bottom floor of the arena.

    That's all I got for now. I surely hope you can address that first bullet point.



    So I've gone and revamped the Light Cycle map based on your comments (transporting the cycles into the arena when each team gets in their vehicles, changed up the ramps, made it so you have to be in a vehicle or you die) and it works pretty well... except that spawning suddenly doesn't work anymore (works in forge only). I really have no idea how to fix it. Maybe the 343 update F'ed it up. If you get a chance, would you mind taking a look at it to see if you can figure out why the spawns aren't working? I've been bashing my head against the wall for some time now. Thanks!


    • Like 1
  18. More of an aesthetic map than a competitive map if you ask me.


    Hey Zanny, I made some major updates to the textures of the map to make it look more like the castle-y feel of the Imperial City from Oblivion. I also fixed a lot of buggy z-fighting too that was plaguing the map. Let me know what you think of the update. Thanks!


  19. GamerTag: CaptainDireWolf

    Map: Summer Olympics

    Gametype: "Gold Medal" (Instant win Strongholds)

    Players: (2-16) though 16 is best for lots of action (it IS the Olympics after all)

    Forgehub link for more pics: http://www.forgehub.com/maps/summer-olympics.2500/

    Welcome to the Summer Olympics! This year its hosted on Reach and competitors have to conquer 6 major sports to win the gold medal: Track and Field, Mountain Biking, Rock Climbing, Gymnastics, Sailing/boating, and Swimming/Diving.



    Competitors begin with the "shot put" (use grenades to blow up explosives down the field), and then take off running on the track to overcome the 1st set of hurtles. Next comes the long jump, 2nd set of hurtles, and high jump. Mountain biking consists of riding mongooses through a bumpy terrain to reach "the Wall". Be the first to ascend it and take the water slide down to the gymnastics chamber. Conquer the bars and you will reach the boats (yea I know, mongooses had to do; a kind of waverunner action). Finally, take the diving platforms or simply swim across the pool the quickest to obtain 1st place and gold.

    As always I welcome suggestions to make my games better so feel free to comment below. Add my GT: CaptainDireWolf and hit the download button above. Let the games begin!


    More pictures:


















    • Like 4
  20. Thanks for submitting this, man. Really looking forward to playing this map this weekend. Until then, I'm just praying no one else features the map before me :/


    Looks like you nailed the timing for this one haha! We even made it onto IGN yeayuhhhhH! Nice showcase man!

    • Like 1

    I played with Drizzy, super fun game, we played with almost six times the recommended players and it was still fun. I love this and will be using this in my customs games. Great job!


    I've since updated it making it so people can run around more freely after the Pokemon are chosen. I've also placed an extra Pokemon on the map. Let me know if you like the change or not. Thought it would make it more replayable this way.

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