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Status Replies posted by FatAussieFatBoy

  1. Major terror attack in Belgium :( http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-35869254

    1. FatAussieFatBoy


      It's terrible to see that a person could thinks of themselves and their cause highly enough to take the life of 30 people. But this isn't just about the bomber, at least 1 person loses their life to another human everyday wether it be by accident, on purpose or their job (Army Officer) no reason is great enough to cause so much pain for the victim and those he/she loves no matter what side of the terror war you are on.


      My best wishes are with the people of Belgium and I hop...

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  2. But what did Simon really say?

    1. FatAussieFatBoy


      Sound like one hell of a Simon Says game you guys are playing...

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

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