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Samurai Raiden

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Grunt (1/19)



  1. So I guess it's safe to assume that the armor mod is bugged because just like you, when I've got it on, it doesn't seem to do anything at all.
  2. I just got this armor mod the other day and I was wondering, when I have it on, it doesn't nessessarily feel as though it is doing anything extra to my shields. Does the mod give you like 5% or 10% extra shields? how much exactly? I was expecting like 25% permanant increase or at least something that would help me win a BR fight.
  3. I'm not talking about earning REQ points, I'm asking: During Warzone, does the entire team's REQ level go up together or do you unlock REQ levels personally? Also I've noticed that when I use an XP boost during Warzone, in the loading screen for the next game I play, it still looks like it is active. Do XP boost cards last for multiple games or are they 1 time use?
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