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  • Location
    New Zealand
  • Interests
    Loves to play halo titles from Bungie! Titles from 343 not so much!

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Grunt (1/19)



  1. I agree with you! It's no fair on the players! I just get so frustrated when I hit 3-5 headshots in swat, bt or something and thy don't die and I'd watch it in theatre and all they do is flinch. No damage sometimes. I understand that theatre mode is what I see so it is not entirely accurate. So I guess if I want to play competitive I either move to another continent or get better internet. My friend who lives in Dunedin gets 1gbps down apparently. Anyway I will try my best not leave games haha. Also since the servers on H5G are dedicated af in America it shouldn't lag for me. As every game that has an U.S host I usually experience little no lag!
  2. Okay so I just wanted to play an ordinary game of Halo but I usually can't do that because the hosts are alway from some American country or European country and that does not work out too well for me in New Zealand. Anyway I have a fairly decent internet of around 20Mbits Down and 2Mbits up with an verge ping on my speediest of around 10-25. I don't lag on a lot of games I play but when I play Halo 4 I am always paired with a laggy host! How do I know the host is laggy because I either ask other players if they were lagging or I am partied with someone from The United States who says they were also lagging. So anyway I left about 4-5 games in a row because they were incredibly laggy and I have obtained a sixty minute ban! That just seems too much! I don't think I'll be playing any 343 made games if they are like Halo 4. I'll just stick to H3.
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