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Everything posted by ImOnUrScreen

  1. Shopping Complex is a generally symmetrical, competative map. It should be set for slayer, ctf, koth, oddball, and possibly dominion variants. There are 5 main areas Map Over-view Red Base and Blue Base (Left and Right of map overview) Both teams spawn in identical transport ships, each with its own turret and 4 open (gun accessible) windows. They are located on opposite sides of the main building where one team faces the main garage enterance, an the other faces the back door. Bunker/Forest area (Bottom of map overview) The area includes two opposing bunkers (that can be partially destroyed) with built-in, first person view, mg turrets. There is also the central bunker that divides the two where the rockets generally spawn. The area also has a fallen tree leading up to the roof of the main building. Tower area (Top of map overview) The tower includes a cylindrical walk-up or grav-lift for faster access. The top of the tower has partial access to the roof (if you can jump it right). It also includes the main sniper spawn. Main Building (Center of map overview) The main building includes three main areas (Garage, 2nd Floor, and Roof) Garage (Garage Shop) 2nd Floor The second floor includes 3 main shops, 1 bar, and 2 open (gun accessible) windows overlooking each teams base. There are stairs leading from the garage to the 2nd floor and stairs from the second floor leading out to the roof. https://halo4stats.halowaypoint.com/en-US/Halo4/Im%20On%20Ur%20TV/fileshare/
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