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  1. lmao DL what did you pm me on? I have had a lot of traffic and keeping the messages and interested parties organized has been tough. If you want head to ComradeGaming.net and sign up there to get in contact easier
  2. Hey everyone Comrade Gaming is still looking for more! be sure to check out our website at ComradeGaming.net or add me on XBL SUPMACBROMAN
  3. Hey Everyone I am SUPMACBROMAN, Leader of Comrade Gaming. We are a Community that started only 3 weeks ago, on Halo: MCC. With the servers getting fixed, and the want to play on Xbox One, we thought it was a great time to create our community. In only 3 weeks time we have received 50 applications and have 25 members that have been accepted into Comrade. .I believe in a community ran off of social media. We use our Website Daily for forums, streams, and so on. We have a clan twitter account, youtube channel, and most players use twitch.Our website is ComradeGaming.net We Also Just opened our First Ladder as a clan on Fragged Nation. This Ladder is for 2v2 matches and is open only to members or recruits of Comrade. (Starts Wednesday) Our twitter is @CGComradeGaming - we use this to advertise our streams, videos, and keep in contact with one another offline. If you are someone who desires to stream, make videos and montages, have custom game events, make forge maps, and even get into competitive gaming on Halo: MCC head over to ComradeGaming.net, register on the site, fill out the app, and come play with us. If anyone has a question send me a message on XBL at SUPMACBROMAN. If you arent sure what we are all about, go check out the site and see whats going on. -Much love PS: I dont know why my typing has a white background :/
  4. hey bro no offense but online clans never really have locations by state. Most will have no restrictions, some will be time zone based if anything.
  5. Update: Comrade will be holding a FFA tournament spanning 3 weeks starting this sunday/monday. If you are interested in joining the clan but arent sure, sign up on ComradeGaming.enjin.com and come get to know us this weekend. Anyone is welcome to join our tournament as long as you sign up on the site. Add me on XBL at SUPMACBROMAN if you have any questions. we would love to push our member number to Fifty in the coming weeks. Come join us!
  6. no problem brother! feel free to stay on the site, use the forums, and hop in our party when were online! love to have you around
  7. So some of you may have seen my post earlier this week about starting a clan for Halo: MCC. With the help of about 10 players from this site, we created Comrade Gaming. In just 3 days we have created a site, YouTube page, logo, name, and have been able to play with each other every day at all hours. Now we are coming back here to find more players to join us. If you are interested in becoming a part of Comrade, hop over to ComradeGaming.enjin.com and check us out. We would love to expand as fast as possible. When you get to the site you will see our welcome video we have put together with clips from our last 3 days together. If you have any questions, or are interested in becoming a part of Comrade. Add me on XBL at SUPMACBROMAN
  8. So as of last night, myself and other members from this website and the halo waypoint site create a clan called Comrade Gaming. The clan is a group of guys who intend to play together as much as possible, with a clan ranking system, website, youtube channel, and many active members. We are looking for more guys to join us on Halo MCC so we can build something great. If we all work hard together we can make a wonderful community. check out the site at ComradeGaming.enjin.com and hit me up on XBL at SUPMACBROMAN
  9. sounds great man! i got a solid group of 10 guys or so ive been playing with past 2 nights. add me on the XBONE at SUPMACBROMAN ill be on all tonight and all day tomorrow hey man that sounds awesome im actually super interested! havnt gotten a name yet though. add me on the xbone? we can talk more!
  10. Wish you luck on the 360. from what i see on this site reach has held up pretty well in popularity
  11. I believe you there! XB1 has not quite taken off like they hope. but hey I paid my money to get this system and i sure do plan on playing it. The smaller pool of players just makes it that much more important to not half ass this.
  12. yeah its likely mcc will die quickly with the release of 5. Looking much more into the future of a community than the future of MCC. Halo is a tough game to get a group together with the split of players between like 4 games.
  13. ill hit you up in a bit. (dinner) have 2 or 3 other guys who are interested also maybe we can all party up and talk tonight. anyone else just shoot me a message on FB! and happy birthday may i add!
  14. I am sick and tired of "children" making tiny clans that die in a month and clog these threads. Im looking for people to start a real Halo Community for Halo MCC. We all want a clan with a nice site, good forums, active members, cool youtube videos, and Streams people watch. I have come to the conclusion the best way to do that is finding mature players who you enjoy playing with. Skill in my opinion is not a factor, create something that people enjoy being a part of, and good players will want to join. I believe in playing together frequently to become better as group. Am I a super talented Halo player? no. I believe in a social media driven clan, one that isnt too big (100+ members is wayyyyy to much) and isnt to small (less than 15). I would love to start something real with some of you, I only require that you want to take it seriously, and we use our vision to create something we all love and enjoy. I am sorry i dont have some clan claiming to do MLG in the summer with some cool name that has something to do with warfare. What i do have though, is a specific set of skills. These skills will help me create something special for us to enjoy. So if you have interest in starting something from the beginning, sharing and expanding it to become something people want to be a part of. Send me a message on XBOne, and we can talk about this and work together. My gamertag is SUPMACBROMAN. Please no one under 18. And if you do not intend on really working to make something great, dont waste mine or your time. Happy Gaming to all! (And Happy St Pattys to all you irish ********!)
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