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Everything posted by martialed242

  1. I must say I am really enjoying the beta, I like where your going with this game great job!!! Im curious about a number of things like the legendary weapons (If thats even what the prophets bane is) If so thats a pretty cool feature in the game and would like to see what other ideas you might have like a legendary hammer or promethean weapon or a prototype unsc weapon (assualt type weapon with a granade laucher attachment idk). Also I love the arena style feel to the game but im concerned how it will trescend to big team, how all the the abilities with face against vehicles and even the kill time im concerned you die so quickly which points to my next concern for big team and in general Ive found that evasion is difficult sometimes frustrating when you wanna escape its impossible most of the times but the thruster pack is awesome by the way for evading, i just think the sprint button is not responsive enough and notice you cant begin sprint under fire, if the sprint was smoother and was able to sprint under fire to me itll feel less over pressured in escaping situations. Weapon balance is awesome so far!! All weapons you can use in all situation, its what this game is about but I got my hands on the hydra and I was disappointed for a small reason, the lock on is not as strong as I might of thought, Ive found myself missing solid shots alot and unloading my whole clip this weapon would be more favored (cause after a day on the map regret I noticed no one fighting for the hydra) if the lock on was more efficient, maybe more splash damage or when locked spartans need to use thrusthers to evade in coming missiles idk im not a game designer but there my opinions so far in the game. Overall its an absolute blast enjoying the game big time love where your going with halo, love the higher learning curve for aiming, for team support, map control, armor abilities and skill ranking system cant wait to see more of it
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