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Everything posted by NakaiVodar

  1. To answer you, caboose, it is AT LEAST Lt. Colonel because im picky in terms of commitment on Reach and being at least a LT. Colonel isn't that hard to get, i see more Lt. Colonels on more. Secondly the weekly thing im not forcing anyone, the weekly thing is part of requirements to get promoted in the IVS. i don't want to recruit a new guy and never see him/her on or not playing with us. the weekly thing is an encouragement to achieve something in the IVS. I hope this is more clearer now
  2. To answer your question, Field marshal, You need to be disciplined, need to be at least a LT Colonel and in order to rank up you need to recruit and be active weekly. For further detail, check the link in the post.
  3. The Imperial Vanguards of Sanghelios is a newly started Imperial Sangheili clan for both Reach and Master Chief Collection when it releases on November 11, 2014. Unlike most Imperialist clans on Reach, the Vanguards uphold honor, duty, and respect to others and to one another. We are here to restore what makes being the Sangheili fun. We offer multiplayer competitiveness, fun role play moments, and we offer experiencing more culture of the Vanguards and of the Sangheili. We wish to be an empire of honor and justice! join us now! If interested, message Nakai Vodarous to join or if further detail, visit our website in the URL bellow. Thank you! http://ivsempire.weebly.com/
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