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Shun 'Kanamee

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Shun 'Kanamee last won the day on April 13 2018

Shun 'Kanamee had the most liked content!

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  • Interests
    Halo, classic JRPGs, late 19th century.

Shun 'Kanamee's Achievements

Prophet of Regret

Prophet of Regret (11/19)



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  1. What will Halo 2 anniversary have?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jack Of Harts

      Jack Of Harts

      Ledgend1221, that's not confirmed. The fans want a remade multiplayer, and if 343 doesn't give it then they will get a lot of hate. I doubt they'll do that.

    3. Shun 'Kanamee

      Shun 'Kanamee

      I hope all they do is add a new layer of paint, remove the game crashing bugs, and add limited armor customizability.

    4. Shun 'Kanamee

      Shun 'Kanamee

      Removing the fun glitches (going out of the map), playability of elites, get rid of some unpopular game modes, etc. I will be not a happy camper.

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