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Posts posted by PhoenixStone

  1. Well said Spartan.


    In light of all that has happened, I resign from Blue Team. I cannot support corruption and betrayal, because it wasn't just Shadow who was betrayed. Every member's trust has now been betrayed also. I guess the real reason I joined Blue Team was that I was foolish enough to think that it would be similar to when Spartan was the leader, but...this kind of thing never would have happened under him.


    *salutes* Goodbye all. Remove me from the roster, take my commendations and rank. I will see you all around the forums I'm sure. May you all succeed.



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  2. I have no problem supporting fair decisions that have been voted on. But if Shadow really was betrayed...that's really mind-blowing to think about. And I will have to think about it.

    I really like both PB and Shadow, and I will be supportive of our leader, as long as I can be absolutely assured that something sketchy isn't going on within the council.

    We absolutely can't have corruption already. That isn't okay. My hope is that this is all a severe misunderstanding.


    Please, can anyone explain the proceedings of the last two days voting?

  3. I am not the greatest at Swat, that title goes to GermanShepheardD, (aka Shep). But I prefer Swat to any other game type. Mainly since they took out Action Sack and FireFight Doubles. 


    But anyways, I better get off here before I start ranting again. lol :D


    Yeah I miss those too!

  4. So what's the story behind your guys' gamertags?


    Mine evolved. I don't remember what it first was when I bought my Xbox three years ago, but I changed it to AurorStone (Harry Potter reference there) and then one day while I was waiting in the Matchmaking lobby for a BTB game to start, three guys started making fun of my gamertag and trying to psych me out before the match started. I'm ashamed to say that this pre-game gang bang tactic of theirs worked, and I didn't play Halo Reach or Halo 4 for a week.


    I wanted a gamertag that sounded cool, so that I wouldn't get made fun of by random strangers. I changed Auror to Phoenix, because I was born in Phoenix, AZ. Thus, PhoenixStone.


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  5. Thanks for the welcomes you guys! I've tried to add lots of you on Xbox Live already. If you haven't gotten a FR from me, send me one! I really want to get training with you guys.

    Seriously, do any of you actually get on and play, or do you just do the forum thing all day?

  6. Wow I don't know what to say! Well, for starters, a huge thank you to Pbrabbit and Caboose (or are you Ranger?) for talking to me in the PMs, and especially to Ranger/Caboose for letting me join. Secondly, I won't let you guys down. You all have my sworn allegiance and loyalty. I do not backstab and I won't cause drama. I am all about getting down to business!

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