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Posts posted by 31IT3INV4SI0N

  1. So is anyone else excited for this game?... I know this is a Xbox forum mostly but I want to see who is excited for the upcoming Persona Q for 3DS! I loved Persona ever since the first one for PS1... I have every single Persona game.. Hell I bought a VITA just to get Persona 4 Golden.. Now I'm doing the same with Persona Q.. I'm getting the Persona Q 3DS XL Handheld and the Collectors Edition of the game. Halo and Persona are my two favorite games..


    I must say if you guys have a PS1, PS2, PS3 (backwards compatible), or a VITA.. I would definitely check out this game... My personal favorite is Persona 4 (Also Persona 4 Golden) and Persona 3 would be my next favorite. Also I cant wait for Persona 5 for the PS3 and PS4 next year.. I'm personally getting mine on the PS4. But back on topic.. Is anyone excited for Persona Q like me? Or is anyone going to give it a try? I promise the game wont be a let down.. Well I hope it isn't at least..


    Here are some videos on Persona Q:








  2. Okay so today I'm going to explain to you how to make a arm rig tutorial. This could also apply for tails, legs, feet, neck, tentacles, even the body. This rig gives you a traditional look as well so it doesn't make it look like its a robot you could say? This method does give it more of a better look then a normal rig. Just keep in mind that I made this drawing and animation sample just for the tutorial so I spent little time with it.


    Step 1:


    Your going to want to draw your object and set up the bones like so:




    After you do that make sure they are all connecting properly. As you can see from the image above the bones go in this order: Bone 4 connects with Bone 3, Bone 3 connects with Bone 2, Bone 2 connects with Bone 1 (Parent Bone)


    The Joints go in this order: Joint 1 connects to Bone 2, Joint 2 connects to Bone 3, Joint 3 connects to Bone 4



    Step 2:


    So now you are going to bind each vector point to what ever bone you need to connect it to. Here is my example:



    As you can see I mostly bind everything to the joints beside the hand which was bind to Bone 4. Now for those who don't know how to bind points you select the select bones tool select the bone that you need to select then the very last tab on that area there will be a tool called the bind points tool you click it and highlight the points and at the top it will say bind points. You click that button and it will bind the points to the selected bone.



    Step 3:


    Now you are going to do this step to all your Joints. Select your joints and click on the Bone Constraints tab. It will bring down a drop down menu. Go down to Angel Control Bone and select the Bone that Joint is connected to. Then set it to 0.5 or .5




    As you can see in my example I selected Bone 2 since Joint 1 is connected to Bone 2.



    Step 4:


    Now you are going to move one of the Bones to make it move. It will get disorted like so:




    Now you are just going to fix the points by manually clicking them and dragging them to the proper position so that way its not distorted anymore and it moves smoothly.





    Now here is the video example:



    • Like 3
  3. Mine wasn't...  :eek:

    You probably played a eroge. .-. XD



    I have little to none experience with visual novels besides watching them. Best of luck developing it! 


    Me and my friends were actually going to play Hatoful Boyfriend when it comes out. A very bizarre visual novel that I am not looking forward too.  

    Ah I may try that out I am mostly looking forward to the Angel Beats! Visual Novel... Anyways as you know I am making a anime series so this is more of a side thing... Also I was planning on making this a series to but I rather have LOVE X LIFE be a visual novel first.. Anyways working on my own anime series and a few other animating jobs is enough for right now.. I may make my anime Fallen Destiny a visual novel later on but nothing official yet... But I am going to try to get this on Xbox One and PS4 to I have my licenses so lets see what happens. I may also push for 360 and PS3 release... As well with a Wii U, 3DS, 2DS, and PSVita release... Of course right now main platform is PC but I want to extend it to consoles. Like I said I have my licenses in Unity and Unreal... I just need to look into the process once a project is completed..

  4. I understand that...... But the thing is I don't think I made it clear enough this is a tragic serious story with so much emotion in it... The main character goes through a lot but love can solve everything but life can make it worse by interfering and making things collapse..

  5. Seems interesting. I've never played a game like this. :)


    Oh and... this... isn't some sort of... ya'know... *wink wink* game is it? Like the title suggests?


    If it is then I don't know how the Mods will feel about this being on here.



    ^ This. If it is like the title suggests it is, then you can't post the completed version or even a link to the completed version here.



    Geez guys no it wont have porn elements.... I would have added "Hentai" to the genre area if it was... Hentai is animated porn or a game that is basically porn or more known as rated A..... It is Ecchi though which for the most part is panties and bras for comic relief... But no complete nudity.. Not planned for right now at least... Some Ecchi just show the breast uncovered but I don't plan on doing that... LOVE X LIFE is the title since it fits the project best.. Anyways if I did ended up putting in sexual content and lots of nudity I would make two versions... The rated M version which will leave out the sex scenes and nudity... Then the rated A version which will contain all that original content if it ends up being in there.... As of right now I don't plan on making a rated A version but its a possibility... Anyways even if I did I would post the rated M version which wont have that content.

  6. I would like to note that I will be updating this as I go... Right now all I have to show is the title screen and the title screen is even a place holder.....

    Anyways LOVE X LIFE - 愛X生活 is a visual novel I am creating with Unity and Anime Studio Pro!


    Piece of Life, Romance, Comedy, Ecchi, Action, Suspense, Puzzle, Thriller, and Gore

    Story (The Story Is Still Being Developed & It Can Change As Well):

    A boy who had a troubled past that ruined his youth... Which he could never get back due to the darkness that has corrupted his soul which leads him to a never ending world of suffering... Until he was adopted by this nice family that had two kids of their own.. He then started his normal life with this family and now attends public school. Where will his faith take him in life?

    As the player you go through the story and have decisions to make throughout the story. You lead his faith and control what path he goes down..

    Don't say its bland just yet I am trying to prevent much spoilers as possible. [;)] This story is going to have so many twist and turns and everything could have a different outcome due to the choices you make!

    The only reason I am making the post this early with only a place holder main menu at the moment is because I want to post every update so you guys could see the development of this... Basically you guys will see this visual novel be built from the ground up.... I hope its not a waste I am just excited to announce this project... Cant wait to post more updates. :D

    Main Menu Place Holder #1:

    Concept Art Background #1 (Not Final Just Showing Off Visuals):


    Character Designs

    Guy Design 1:




    Girl 1:




    Girl 2:





    Girl 3:




  7. I've always been extremely curious in the software and the demo you showed is quite nice. 


    Does Anime Studio produce quality results? Would you recommend the software to others looking to get a start in animation?

    Anime Studio is the best animation software you could get... Its the honest truth... Its just hard to work with for some people who are coming from Flash or Toon Boom since its tools act different... With Anime Studio you could do anything but even more.. I would recommend it for professionals like myself and beginners... I always used Anime Studio for my animation.. Ever since I discovered it when it was in Anime Studio Pro 6 I have not used anything else but Anime Studio Pro... It beats Flash and Toon Boom by a long shot... Originally Flash isn't even made for animation... More for HTML.. Toon Boom would be the next best choice.. But Anime Studio all the way my friend.. I praise it... Really.. Its such a powerful tool... Also if you ever do get it and need help feel free to message me! I will help ya! That is the only thing that sucks.. The community is not so good when it comes to help and tutorials really... Also a lot of people use it for hobby... Where I use it for professional work so I could cover the program top to bottom with ya! Also I plan on doing a give away for Anime Studio Pro 10.1 sometime next month so keep an eye out for that if you don't buy it anytime soon. :) But I totally recommend it.. Best software out there for animation.. Its just really powerful with frame by frame and bones.. I know I repeated myself a lot but its just amazing my friend...

  8. I had my one scene set up that is why I used that for the last parts. tongue.png I hope this helps or it was good... I am not exactly the best person when it comes to things like this... But I hope it was good and it helped... If you want I could make a video for y'all. smile.png Also I did very minor tweaks since I was going for wavey hair since its windy in the scene.. Also yes this character is from H.O.T.D. Highschool of the Dead! biggrin.png Also sorry for the nudity... <.< This should help well I hope.. Sorry if its bad... .-.

    So basically you want to draw your character (of course) make sure you break things up in separate layers example:  Right Arm, Left Arm, Right Leg, Left Leg, etc.. This just makes it easier when layer sorting...

    After your done drawing your character create a bone and put all your layers in the bone..

    So basically your going to want to make the parent bone first.. When you draw your body make sure you set up the bones I usually have two.. One for lower and one for upper.. Make sure it is connecting to the parent.. Then for the arms make sure to draw the shoulder bones then draw the arms.. But remember when you draw the shoulder bones make sure it connects with the chest.. Then you will select the chest again if you decide to rig the neck, head, and hair.. Now when it comes to legs you need to select the parent bone again.. Over all it should look like this. Sorry I literally just put this together... So sorry if the character looks bad.. XD Also as you can see I do everything on separate layers..


    So now we got a basic rig to do basic movements... I suggest not using these for complete arm and leg movements... Since it looks like a robot in my opinion... Now this is when we come to smart bones to make the rig more complex! biggrin.png So for my example I will just be doing the hair. :3 The method is still the same either way..

    So basically all you will do is draw a bone to the side and then you will go up to bone and make a smart bone dial..


    Name it whatever you want.. So for my example I will name it "Hair"


    You will then go to window and actions.. It should bring up a window..


    Just make sure you double click on the "Yourname" Action in my case its "Hair"


    So now go to a different frame I will go to "15" and make my movements (I will also make a few more adjustments along the way).. You will make your movements by moving each vector also known as points.. To your liking.. Just keep doing this until you got what you want.. You said making it reusable.. So make smart bones for 3/4 turns, front turns, back turns, side turns, hair movements. etc... So now after you set it up to your liking.. Go back to the action windows and double click mainline so you could go back to the main timeline.. So now that you got that.. You should be able to move the bone and it should apply what you did in the smart bones action.. So that is it on that really..




    Video Example:

  9. I don't even know what you are talking about... All models and textures are the same... It doesn't matter on what map file you use... Also as for the skeleton that is all in the jmad tag... This is if we are talking about Halo 3 .map files.... So you will extract the mode of a spartan, hlmt, bipd, jmad and also the char tag.

  10. We used the same method back in Halo 2 to get AI to function.  Simple projectile swap to a biped.  And using the flood infection form to force the seeking and engaging effect for the spawned bipeds.  Still nice to see it applied to Halo 3 now.  It turns out much better on Halo 3 than it ever did on Halo 2.

    I remember using that method all the time but then we found out how to set up AI respawn points.. Miss the Halo 2 modding days... Also with Halo 3 setting up spawn points is really easy.. But this method is easier of course.. In Halo 3 you need to set up the respawns in the scnr tag by editing the squads part of it.. Also there was a lot of  extracting and injecting involved with this.. Just like it was in Halo 2.. Same thing applies to Reach you need to edit squads in the scnr tag.. You cant use the flood method but you can respawn them in the scnr tag. Same applies to Halo 4 as well. Also ODST.... Working on getting cross game injection though so we could have flood in Reach and 4. ;) There is a little difference but not much.. But there is still a lot of work involved in this process... Extraction/Injection in Halo 3, Reach, 4, and ODST wasn't even possible until last year...


    Sorry for the bad quality I just didn't feel like pulling out my capture card... .-.

    Mod Information:

    Mod Name: AI Sandbox Version 0.01 [Work In Progress]

    Original Map Name: sandbox.map

    Creator: 31IT3INV4SI0N (Brandon)

    Patch Download: No Download Yet

    Mod Attributes:

    [ Yes ] Weapon Edits

    [ No ] Weapon Balances

    [ No ] Weather Edits

    [ No ] Texture Edits

    [ Yes ] Projectile Edits

    [ No ] Machine Edits

    [ No ] Scenery Edits

    [ Yes ] Bipd Edits

    [ Yes ] Vehicle Edits

    [ No ] Lighing Edits

    [ Yes ] Jmad Edits

    [ Yes ] Effect Edits

    [ Yes ] Model Edits

    [ No ] Physics Edits

    [ No ] Barrier Edits

    [ Yes ] Ai Edits

    [ No ] Custom Blf/Mapinfos

    [ Yes ] Other Edits

    Whats In It? Version 0.01

    Marine (Magnum)

    Brute (Chopper)

    Grunt (SMG)

    Hunter (Plasma Rifle)

    Jackal (Ghost)

    Flood Form (Plasma Turret)

    • Like 3
  12. Heyo. Welcome to the site!


    You're obviously more talented than all of us considering you're making a video game as well as an anime. Someday I'll probably ask you for help in all the techno-savvy coolio stuff that you work on.


    Until then, feel free to ask us for help on other things!

    Will do. ^.^ Thank you all for the welcoming. :)

  13. So, you're making an anime and a game... Interesting...

    You really need a better username, though.


    What game are you making?


    Yeah.. I do quite a bit. Also nah this is the username I use for gaming and this is also the name I use to give to random people to add me online.. I have two accounts for Playstation and Xbox my other account is my main one and reflects my business where this one is more of a mess around account online type of thing.


    But anyways the projects place holder name is going to be called Project: Omega I am currently making it in the Unity Engine.


    It's going to be a competitive multiplayer scifi free to play will contain a story mode and a bunch of features for multiplayer mode. I will create a topic for it once more is done on it.. Since I am new you guys should know I am currently working on a lot of stuff for my studio and company.. My anime is the most important and main project since it is going to be a very long continuous story... As this game is a big project but not as big. It will be quite easy to make but may take some time due to other things.

    • Like 1
  14. Salutations! Welcome to this forum, which actually holds the secret that the oh mighty Didact cat has kept for centuries. Hidden, with a password of the neumber "7".

    Tread carefully, or we'll have a rip in the space time continuum to deal with. So, read the rules and we'll not have to clean up after a mess.


    Also, NO MOA BURGERS, or you'll hear body parts squishing and tearing a part.

    Enjoy your stay! Free cookies for everyone!


    I've noticed you're a modder. A Halo modder, at that. Interesting, if I say so myself. Are you using JTAG or RGH? I'm using an RGH myself.


    I have a JTAG, RGH, Dev Kit, and a Test Kit since I am making a video game for the 360 and One ;) Also PC, PS3, and PS4. I have a Jailbroken and a Dev also a Test kit of the PS3 and well Xbox One and PS4 are already dev kits soo.. It's just getting my Xbox ID and be givin the permission to develop games on this gen (One/4) well hope I answered your questions and also some other thoughts just in case you got them.

  15. When I saw this I was actually surprised by how good they were. What program did you use? Flash? Anime Studio?

    Anyways looking forward to the project keep us updated!


    I'm surprised with the quality of work you have here. Keep it up! You might just be successful. I reckon you're working very hard on this.


    This looks really good and promising. Hope to see more, especially the story.


    Good luck!

    Seems like everyone is surprised the way the animation looks.... XD I am good at what I do I suppose... Also yeah basically like I said above I am doing all the work besides writing scripts the other creator my friend is helping me with scripts as well.. Also want to say our awesome cast which we will be posting behind the scenes and also an upcoming teaser trailer sometime soon. I am glad to say we are dubbing this in so many languages.. English, Japanese, German, Spanish, Chinese, Filipino, and Korean.. We are working hard making Fallen Destiny the best as it can be and dubbing it in many languages as we can. Also for info about programs and equipment please personal message me... Its not cheap.. It took me a while to get all the equipment and such for my studio and company.. I would also like to say we are going to make a Fallen Destiny video game and a visual novel later on.

  16. Sounds like quite the project you have there! Hope it turn out well for you, sounds interesting... maybe we'll all get to see it at some point. ^_^


    Love the animation testing, will keep an eye on this and see how it rolls out. Good luck with it!

    Yep I already got the first 12 episodes done.. We are dubbing it in a lot of languages and got quite the cast actually... We are going to try to get it on TV since we do have the contacts its just actually scheduling things out and actually getting a hold of them... If you read all the info even the updates you would know what languages it was being dubbed for and all the other extra info that was given. :) Glad that you guys are interested because we are working really hard on this... Basically I am doing all the work... I am only getting help with writing and my friend and me are writing it and of course voice cast.. Since I cant do every single character... This is very big and we are taking it all the way.

    • Like 1
  17. Okay Fallen Destiny is a new anime series me and my friend are making. It will eventually be made into a manga which will follow the anime story. So far we have wrote the first twelve parts. We have a English, Spanish, some Japanese cast, some Chinese cast, some German cast, and one Filipino cast member so far...
    Short Description:
    In a world crushed by humanity's short comings two fallen hero's rain from the heavens in order to fix a broken past which leads to an endless future where there is no light. How will they fair against the heavy hand of time? And who will try to prevent their success?
    Here are some animation test:
    Official Fallen Destiny - 堕ちた運命 Facebook Page:
    Official Fallen Destiny - 堕ちた運命 Twitter: 
    Official Fallen Destiny - 堕ちた運命 Website: 
    Official Fallen Destiny - 堕ちた運命 Wiki:
    Soul Eater - Soul Eater Evans Lip Sync:

    (NOTE) I know the lips look kind of bad but that's because I was experimenting with the lips and came to some difficulties but I did fix the issue though this morning.. I plan on posting another animation test with Soul..



    Weekly Updates From Brandon #1:

    Okay hello everyone! I know most of you here probably either know me or Robert aka Mello personally or you have seen our page from other pages/groups or somewhere on the internet or you could have just found us by searching the web.

    But anyways lets get started with the updates shall we?  So as you know me and Robert have spending a lot of time on this show. We absolutely cant wait! For you to see our vision. As of now we recently finished writing part 7 or in other words episode 7. This week we finished writing part 6 and 7. Now we are moving on and writing part 8 today.

    We wish we can give you more info as of now... But it would cause spoilers and I doubt anyone would like that.. So we have been basically teasing you with short descriptions and poems that actually connect to the show.

    We also got a lot of our cast together! We are not recording anything until we have all the scripts written for this whole first chapter or in words first season.

    I would also like to talk about the animation... In Fallen Destiny we actually want to have really smooth animations.. Where its just like eye candy! So I would like to state our animation will not be blockey it will indeed be very smooth. Also another thing is we will have amazing visuals! That includes backgrounds, animation, 2D & 3D models. The scenery of the whole show will be amazing.

    Okay now let me tell you about how we are doing this. We are basically doing storyboard and writing all the scripts for all the parts in the first chapter. Once we do that we will get all our voice actors and have them do there part. Then after all that we do all the tech work animation, backgrounds, visuals, touch ups on the audio, and all the other work that needs to go into this to make it perfect.

    Now for the music we are already making the instrumentals for background music and opening and ending songs. We got about 10% of background music done. As for the intro the instrumental is already 100% made its now writing the lyrics to go with the instrumental. As for the ending song we have the lyrics 100% done but the instrumental is only 5% finished. So we still have some work to do with the music but it does not delay anything since we don't have an official release anyways.

    Lets talk Comic Con and Anime/Manga Conventions. Me and Robert plan to show our work at Comic Con and at a Anime/Manga Conventions. The problem is we don't know when we will due to the fact that were not exactly sure when we will have enough content to present. But we will keep you guys updated.

    Is Fallen Destiny going to make its way to TV? Me and Robert are truly trying to get it on TV. We do have contacts with people however we are actually going to schedule a meeting for when the time comes. But either way we look at it being on TV or on the Web we get to still show off our vision to the world. So basically it will either be on TV or it will be a Web Series but either way our vision will be shown and we are happy. But there is a great chance it will get on TV.

    Well that basically sums everything up! Me, Robert, and the whole team want to say thank you! We cant wait for you guys to see our vision. We are working very hard to make it the best as it can be.




    Weekly Updates From Brandon #2:

    Okay I know its been more then a week but personal things came up and I had to take care of those things.

    Anyways lets get started.. Okay we have finished writing Part 9 last night and now we are starting Part 10 by Monday we should be on Part 11 or 12.

    Now as of character designs we are redrawing every character and in many different styles and ways... Basically we want to make the characters look better if possible so we are going to redraw every character at least 10 times and then we will choose from there. As you can see on the cover and profile pictures we have the two main characters but really they are just place holders for right now until we choose but they are on the list so they could be the final design.. Basically we just want to see which drawing would fit the character better and yes its still going to be an anime type of style... Well it is going to be an anime series over all so we cant really change the style or it wouldn't be an anime... XD

    We have storyboard ahead so far into the future it is crazy so we have a lot of ideas and crazy things that will happen in the series in the future...

    Well that is the weekly update and don't worry I brought you all up to date on everything that has happen the past couple of weeks since I could not post the other times due to personal issues as stated above.





    Weekly Updates From Brandon #3:



    I'm sorry guys that we have not posted for the past couple of days... We have been really busy working on Fallen Destiny - 堕ちた運命 and making it the the best as we can.. I took the day off on January 17th.. But we have been working since then.. We have been..

    Now to let you guys know we have been doing a lot of storyboard for the future of Fallen Destiny - 堕ちた運命 we jump ahead so that way we know what paths to take now to lead into those points.. We know what we are doing and what we want to make this perfect for all of us. 

    We are starting Part 12 now and we should have that written by tomorrow or Tuesday then we will start on Part 13 right after. 

    We have been drawing the characters a lot to see which drawing matches the characters best... I think we will be done with our final characters today or tomorrow..

    As of now we are doing great in progress and we cant wait for you guys to see our vision and join the world of Fallen Destiny - 堕ちた運命

    Previous Weekly Updates! Just in case you did not see them. 


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