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Posts posted by Gubz

  1. And yeah, there are three major FPS titles, Halo, Battlefield, CoD, (and a small amount of people who hate all three and like doom and wolfenstien), 2/3rds of the LARGE communities hate CoD, that's a LOT of people, more than those who like it. CoD is loosing it's audience because it doesn't change (when it occasionally does it changes very little). It's basicly like buying $60 of DLC.


    Also more to the topic, I would LOVE to see an upgraded Forge and better customization for Infection, would love to see the arbiter return, and all in all I just can't wait to get my hands on Halo 5.


    Every community hates the other two, it isn't just CoD.

    People who hate CoD: BF and Halo players

    People who hate BF: CoD and Halo players

    People who hate Halo: BF and CoD players


    Personally, I like and own all three.


    Upgraded forge would definitely be nice. I think Halo 4's forge was great because magnets make forging so much faster, but my biggest complaint is how all the maps look almost identical. Halo 3 was the best about that, there was foundry and sandbox, two very distinct tilesets.


    I'll just leave this here for you to Re-read seeing as how you either didn't read it or just didn't care. :)




    This is what we've been trying to tell you the entire time: WE ARE READING WHAT YOU SAY.

    There, it's in big letters.


    Again, you can't simply post something and then claim everyone else is automatically wrong when they disagree with you. We are asking you to post evidence. All you have done to argue for your point is repeat yourself, even the points that have been argued against. Let me present you with a scenario:


    Person A is accused of theft.

    Person B is the person accusing him.


    Person A says, "I didn't do it, because I was somewhere else."

    Person B presents evidence that Person A was at the scene of the crime.

    Person A says "I didn't do it, because I was somewhere else," again...and again.....and again....


    This is not exactly what you are doing, but a metaphor. We are not trying to fight with you, we simply want you to express some form of counterargument beyond just repeating yourself, because the stuff you're repeating has been successfully argued against.

  3. I'm not trying to prove anyone wrong. I'm simply stating that things change. And that he should play what he likes, please stop thinking all the posts I make somehow tie to you, because they don't. Thank you :)


    Also, CoD, really? If you haven't noticed CoD is hated because it never changes.



    Please read the moderator message that was sent to the two of us.


    As for CoD....CoD isn't hated, it's the exact opposite. It's the single best selling franchise on the market today.


    If you like Halo: C.E. to 3 so much than go play them. Halo was going the way it's going no matter what. Bungie was going that way and so is 343i (which has a LOT of Bungie employees). I personally love the newer Halo titles the same amount as I love the old Halo titles as do many of my friends. Halo has to change other wise what would be the point in buying new ones? Exactly, there would be none and Halo wouldn't be the great title it is.



    "If you don't like it don't play it" is not proving him wrong, and it's not contributing any opinion towards why you think he's wrong. You're just effectively telling him that if he doesn't like the new Halo then his opinion automatically doesn't matter. Please stop copy pasting this same reply all over these forums any time you see someone disliking the changes made to the Halo franchise.


    I agree with you that Halo does have to change, but you neglect to consider that the changes don't have to be so drastic. Take a look at Call of Duty, it changes just enough. Each year, the game is an instant hit, and yet somehow it manages to maintain it's large player base, excellent sales, and good reputation. Halo's multiplayer community all but evacuated when Halo 4 hit the scene, I hardly think it's actually a "great title" when there are over 5 times less people on it than its predecessor, Halo Reach.

    • Like 2
  5. Just because you disagree with something doesn't make it invalid as you'd like to believe. If I was like you I could say all your points are mute and invalid. But I don't. And if you've actually read any of my points (from what I've seen you both haven't) you would get your depth. Again, yes, noobishly camping weapon spawns is bad, and I am glad they took out (lessened) the ability to do that.


    This is what we've been trying to tell you the entire time: WE ARE READING WHAT YOU SAY.


    There, it's in big letters. The problem is that just saying something doesn't make it true, you need evidence to support your claim. If a scientist decides to come out and say Splenda causes cancer, but he has no research, nobody is going to believe it.

    And so...


    It's not the fact that I disagree with you that makes your point invalid, it's the fact that I presented a situation in which your point is not true that makes it invalid.

    As for the disproof of your "noobish camping" point: Please watch the video if you haven't. Clearly they are controlling the power weapons, however, none of them are camping in order to do so. Having weapons on the map does not inherently cause people to camp them, in fact, the best players in the world don't camp them. So it would follow that should there be someone who is camping a power weapon, there is a strategy that outclasses it, and would provide you with an easy win over the "noobish" people. Again, there is evidence there that I linked just for you to see. I'm supporting my argument with something that proves it.


    The disproof of "weapons being able to be used in different situations" is simple. I've explained it multiple times now and I'm running out of ideas, I'm not trying to argue with you, I'm trying to get my points across to you by using evidence, and asking you to provide some of your own. 


    The evidence that supports my claim is simple: Loadouts are bad because if someone chooses a boltshot, and I choose a magnum, they have the advantage at close range. Again, yes I can use my magnum, and yes I can win, but the person with the boltshot has an unfair advantage.

    • Like 1
  6. No;


    - More varied gameplay

    - Camping Weapon Spawns was very Noobish

    - Maps aren't made one way

    - Weapons aren't made one way

    - Things change


    1: I included that one, check.

    2: I disproved that one, it's no longer valid: I linked the following video that demonstrated map control without anyone camping.

    3: Noted, but please expand on the idea so we can understand your point of view

    4: I disproved that one, it's no longer valid: Yes you can beat a shotgun with a sniper, but in close range, the sniper has an advantage. Rebuttal?

    5: I included that one: "more varied gameplay"


    So, again:


    Loadouts NO:

    -equal playing field

    -understanding enemy capabilities

    -unpopular game


    Loadouts YES:

    -varied gameplay

    -maps are open to interpretation (?) - I think this is what you meant but I still don't get it.

    -everyone spawning with the same thing is boring

  7. Lol. I'm not angry or mad at anything. I'm pointing out your rude tone and asking you to not be an *** (as I've done to others when needed).


    In the interest of peace and tranquility I'm not going to tear into you for everything that's horribly wrong with that statement, however, I would like to point out that you are derailing another thread.


    Reiterating: I don't like the title Halo Next, because I think it sounds terribly kitschy. I think Halo 5 would be fine, but another title like Halo: Inquisition would also work just fine. Not that one specifically, but something to acknowledge that John is going on a lone wolf adventure for personal reasons.

  8. Staff Response

    Too all members, get the thread back on track to what the OP posed as discussion, if that cannot be achieved the thread will be locked.

    If flaming continues from any member, penalties may occur.



    Thank you for the prompt reply Azaxx.

    So, as we were, without all of the pomp and circumstance.


    I believe the arguments FOR standardized spawning were:


    -equal playing field

    -understanding of enemy capabilities

    -Halo 4's changes were (collectively) unpopular


    and the arguments AGAINST standardized spawning were:


    -more varied gameplay

    -standardized spawning is a worn out idea

    -nobody actually ever has zero chance to succeed

  9. Chances are you'll land a less amount of shots on somebodies head with a damage bonus but he'll land more bullets on your chest without one so it still makes no difference in the game. Same outcome everytime.


    A "headshot multiplier" means that the shots landed on the head are more valuable than the ones not landed on the head.


    If it was 2 or 3x for example, it doesn't matter if the guy spraying at the body hit you 6 times.

    You hit his head twice, and he's dead.

  10. What I'm hoping for is:


    - No more monthly gametypes (I'm tired of playing an awesome gametype then it's all of a sudden gone the next month).

    - Bring back the Arbiter (He was amazing and a VERY important Character and I MISS HIM! Lol).

    - More flood/flood customization in custom games (I hated that the flood/infection gametype didn't have much customization in it as Halo: Reach and Halo 3, to the point where people had to Mod to make Infection gametypes. Plus I would love to see the flood back in one way or another, I personally would like to see a Flood wave mode and/or them in the Campaign)

    - Forge 3.0 (Halo Reach's Forge was SO much more advanced than Halo 3's Forge but sadly Halo 4's Forge didn't have much to offer, especially since they hyped it up before launch, except for some lighting changes and magnets which got old fast)

    - Knowledge of Cortana (I personally would like for them to give us a hint if she will or will not be able to come back in Halo 6)


    I agree, but I hope flood no longer affects overall kill:death and win:loss in matchmaking.




    • The game is currently under development. Frank O’Connor, Franchise Development Director at 343, says, “We’ve done as much prototyping and storytelling and the future arc of the universe as we have on technology.”
    • The development team recognizes some mistakes and missteps made with Halo 4 and plans to make up for it with Halo 5.
    • Halo 5 is about a lost and lonely Spartan 117 who is trying to piece his life back together.

    1: Go get 'em, Frankie.


    2: Oh man I hope this means what I think it does. If Halo 4 returns to the MLG spotlight I'm going to cry sweet tears of insolvent joy.


    3: Should make for some epic storytelling. Halo 4 probably had my favorite story of them all so far, it felt very human.




    "Also I wonder if Grifball or Swat will be in Halo 5. One last thing I wonder if they will add MLG to it."


    You can count on Grifball and Swat. They're fan favorites.

    MLG? We can only hope.

  11. Being rude doesn't solve anything. You have your opinion just don't be an a** about it. Thank you :)


    And as for Halo Next, I honestly think that (unless it's a side game like Halo Wars or Halo ODST) it should stick with Halo 5.


    First, I wasn't being rude.


    Second, as I said previously, behave like an adult, or I'm going to hit the report button. You've been angry about an argument we had in another thread for days, and replied negatively to almost every post I've made since then. 


    Get your junk together dude, you've got issues.

  12. Oh dear God it better not be called Halo Next.


    I know Microsoft owns the rights but Halo: Next sounds like one of those terrible marketing gimmicks to sell the next OS, tablet, whatever to technologically illiterate hipsters. You know, the ones that think they understand software because they created their own tumblr layout and believe Apple is the superior source of personal computers.

  13. Player A aims for center of mass, and lands a large number of hits.

    Player B aims for center of mass until the shield drops, then aims for the head.


    Player B wins because of a headshot multiplier.


    Yeah, I'm pretty much liking the sound of this. The headshot multiplier would just have to be a large number like 300%, currently depending on range it takes around 4-5 shots landed by an AR on an unshielded opponent to kill. I think 3x sounds fair enough to make the person that aimed for the head win more often than not.

  14. So you're suggesting that we get active notifications when we unlock armour pieces in-game, rather than just having a 'New!' icon appear when we visit the armoury after we unlock it? This is actually a very good idea, perhaps as with achievements there could be a little bar which appears as you make progress toward it, showing how much further you have to go?


    That said, I'm not particularly fond of the idea of using credits and ranks to unlock armour, as it seems like it would open the door for microtransactions and those are something I don't ever want to see in Halo. Instead I'd far rather see a system where armour is unlocked based on certain actions within the game - you finish the campaign on Legendary so you get classic Spartan armour, you shoot down a hundred enemy air vehicles while piloting an air vehicle yourself and so unlock pilot-themed armour, you kill two thousand enemy Spartans with headshots and unlock scout armour, you get two thousand kills with melees and unlock CQC armour, etc.



    Exactly this.

  15. Throw out some ideas you want to see in Halo 5 forge. Here's mine:


    1: a. Useful, map changing aesthetics like burning vehicles (non-drivable), and they sould have smoke rising from the fire.

         b. SMALLER PIECES! I love 343 for making smaller aesthetical pieces like wires, but i want to see more.


    2: a. Time effects like Nght, and Sunset. (I'd actually like to see a bar you can change like in Google Earth)

         b. Weather effects like Rain or Snow. This would make maps much more immersive, and help players visualize the kind of map you're aiming for.


    3: Restrictions. Much like the Minecraft or Viva Pìnata TIP, you can set restrictions for other players ability to build/delete. I hate when random players join my forge, and begin to spam the Y button on my map.


    1: Agree 100%

    2: Agree 100% (since light is calculated during forge already, this would be NO problem to add to forge)

    3: Agree 100%, although, you can just set your game to invite only. I do see your point though


    I would like to add:


    -Skins (themes) for the basic building blocks, you know, so every 5 maps don't look the same. (UNSC, Covenant, Carved Stone, Iron Plating...whatever.)

    -UNLIMITED NUMBER of each piece. Keep the budget for RAM reasons, but why can't I place 17 of the object I need if my budget is around 50%? It makes no sense.

  16. Human vs. Bots match?      YES PLEASE. (as long as no stats are recorded....freakin' boosters)

    Bots in private lobbies?      YES PLEASE.

    Enemy spawners in forge? YES PLEASE.


    This could even be a somewhat viable solution to joining lobbies in progress (which is a big problem right now). Just replace the quitting player(s) with a bot of relatively equal difficulty.

    • Like 1
  17. Apparently I wasn't clear enough with what I was trying to say there. You think I'm trying to say that a game can't be good without multiplayer, what I'm actually trying to say is that if a game has both a good campaign, and a good online multiplayer, the online multiplayer is generally what people stick around for.

    We're talking about Halo 5, which is a game with both singleplayer, and online multiplayer.


    I agree that many great games don't have multiplayer, I could list several dozen of my own. But.


    When it comes to modern games that have both a decent online multiplayer and a well done campaign, all of the staying power is in the multiplayer. You may clock 25-50 hours in campaign over the years (or as many as 100 or even more for amazing Bethesda titles), but online multiplayer is what sends those play time numbers flying into 11 days....12 days....13 days....etc.

  18. I'll do what most players do: I'll buy it for the campaign, and pray that there's a good multiplayer.



    If the multiplayer's bad I won't trade it in to a GameStop...because I like to revisit old games... but I still have a vested interest in multiplayer. A good multiplayer is easily worth twice what any campaign is.

  19. This news is one of a few recent events that have come to light that are restoring my faith in Halo 5's upcoming multiplayer.


    Competitive players will outright tell you what went wrong in Halo 4, I was one myself (I won nearly $1k over the course of 3 years at local tournaments, in addition to getting my $120 copy of Reach for free from one such tourney) 


    Forgive me for bragging, I'm still proud of myself. :D


    Anyway, what makes a good shooter is a good competition. I sincerely hope they can get back to Halo's roots and make something truly worthy of betting on.

  20. I like this idea at it's core, however I don't think it's right for Halo. I think it would make it difficult to reload while performing complex movement (such as a crouch jump-reload while escaping) or lining up your next shot while the gun's still being loaded. Halo is about fast action, and I fear this would slow it down.


    I think it works for Gears because Gears is about big soldiers that move relatively sluggishly, albeit fearsomely, about the battlespace.

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