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Posts posted by Touquisi

  1. Hi all, I don't normally use the plasma pistol when playing on legendary cause I originally thought it was a huge wast of time, but apparently it is a great weapon to use in legendary?  I still have not tried to test this yet so Im asking you is it true? Does the difficulty change the power of the weapon or something? How can the cutest weapon turn into such a killer?

  2. Hi all, when playing H4 mp I always find my friends slaughter me with needlers and they kill almost with holding down the trigger for only a second, and they Track on to player making it difficult to dodge.  I need to know if this is just my weakness or if it is meant to be an OP weapon?  Tell me what you think?

  3. i dont know much guns I like but I definatly like the halo 3 granades, like the spike and the fire granade.  It was so much fun having a granade that sticks to walls ceilings ect and alot of fun with the fire granade.

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  4. No, I agree with Baby tossin ect, the halo 3 match making was excillent except for the no sprint, I had a blast, but than the halo 4 matchmaking came out, and It wasn't that fun, now I still play 3 over 4's match making.

  5. I was thinking, the flood.  They are almost a zombie race you could say, which zombies are very very powerful in numbers and flogged the UNSC and the covenant.  The flood are much stronger than zombies also, and the Didact is a lord,  Imagine the Didact out of his little ball and fighting the flood thousands agaisnt him.  Who would win?  If you have finished halo 4 campaign you would know how powerful he is, so.  Who do you think would win?

  6. I highly doubt there will be any drones in the next Halo, but ODST's could easily come in with not much story line to explain.  But what I do like is enemy ODST's and they I think will defiantly be in the next halo game.

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  7. I have always wanted to know what others thoughts are on this questions.
    If you had to be part of the covenant army, fighting against the usual enemies they do in the halo games (Prometheans, Spartains, ODST's, troops and the flood), what race would you be and why would you chose this race? (only from the covenant)  You have their powers and what ever they do, you are them. Who would you be?  And what class of the race like spec ops, general ect.

  8. Out of all the H4 missions and their environments, what was the (best) or most exciting mission to play.

    The best and most favourite for me would be Infinity Beta were all your killing is nothing but Promethian knights, crawlers and watchers.


  9. Well, to be honest it was not what I was expecting, and sort of boring, made you think a lot though, but I don't know how halo 5 is going to go with him talking to someone while in gameplay like in 4, reach, ect ect, whats going to happen? Are they going to make a new AI?  But I really did not know what to think and still do not.

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