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Posts posted by BrandNewClassic

  1. I just wanted to say I'm back. It's been almost a year since I've really attended this forum regularly, but I plan on posting a lot more. I've been on the Halo Waypoint forums, and was just recently permabanned for calling 343 lazy bast*rds because of how they recycled assassinations and armors. If that's all it takes to get permabanned there, then I don't want to be a part of it. Very few people on those forums are actually smart, but 95% of them are idiotic 343 defenders.


    With that being said, I want to talk about Halo 5. I'm not enjoying it nearly as much as I thought I would. The gameplay is good, yes, but it lacks a motive to continue playing. I become extremely bored within 5 games, and then take a break from it for like 4 days. The req system is disgusting. This type of "random" unlock system is what truly kills it for me.


    What's the point of having only HELMET, and ARMOR???? The req system would have been 1,000,000% better implemented if I could also unlock a shoulder, or legs and forearms... You know the drill. Therefore, they can cut all of the horrible, pointless, poorly designed armors *Cough SEEKER *Cough, while still having a plethora of armors to unlock through the reqs.


    I just honestly do not understand how these extremely poor choices made it through to the final game. I still play Halo 4 to this day because of commendations. All I have left is Forerunner destroyer, Covenant Destroyer, and Vehicles. I'm so close to finishing Forerunner Destroyer, which will unlock my favorite armor in the game. VANGUARD.


    So, in conclusion, I'm pretty much done with H5. I will try forge when and if it comes out. That actually looks pretty decent. But I'm moving on. I can't wait to play Halo 4 on backwards compatibility if it ever comes out. Oh and don't get me started on how bad the campaign disappointed me. Ok ok I'm done now.

  2. So, It is Thursday, October 9th, 2014. Around 7:00 pm I get online to play Halo 4. The main menu comes up, and right after it's done loading DLC content, a message appears: 13 achievements unlocked for 300G.


    I'm like WTF. So I see which achievements I've randomly been awarded, and low and behold, it's the last 13 achievements in Halo 4 I've been trying to get for some time now (achievements at bottom).


    So I stand up saying over and over "What, what, how, what."


    I do not know how or why this happened, but I am glad that it did. I am wondering if this glitch can happen for all of the achievents in Halo 4.


    If you know the solution to why this happened, please respond.


    1. Size is everything

    2. Bigfoot

    3. Didn't see it comin'

    4. Bird of prey

    5. I see you!

    6. Clever girl

    7. Flash of light

    8. Pigs can fly

    9. Dodge this!

    10. Hello nurse!

    11. That won't save you

    12. Ashes to ashes

    13. Scrapyard

    • Like 1
  3. So I began on 8/07/14 and ended on 9/06/14. I've completed the whole campaign on LASO, but did not receive either the legendary ending, or the LASO emblem.


    Getting more into detail, I completed the whole campaign with only 1 other person, however that person did change. First was with a guy who ditched me after the fourth mission. So I did the next three with another guy, and then did the last level split-screen with my bro (he was using his profile, not guest).


    Note that I did use rally points on "Infinity" and "Midnight", due to lagging out.


    You can view my Halo Waypoint game history, and see that each mission has been completed on LASO.


    Any ideas or suggestions will be highly appreciated.

  4. If Halo 5 is not going to be the next title for 2014, would you rather want Halo 2 anniversary or Halo Wars 2 as the replacement?


    For me, it is strongly Halo Wars 2. I think Halo 2 Anniversary is a dumb idea because then 343 would always be working on two games at once: Halo 2 Anniversary with Halo 5, Halo 3 anniversary with Halo 6, etc. You see, it's dopey.

    If they do make a Halo 2 Anniversary, then they would have to make a Halo 3 Anniversary, and an ODST Anniversary, and then a Reach Anniversary, and so on.


    I think it'd be better if 343 stuck with Halo 1 Anniversary. That's it. Any more completely over does it.

  5. My Halo 4 dream armor would be:


    Helmet: Commando FRCT

    Torso: Protector DRFT

    L Shoulder: Commando FRCT

    R Shoulder: Mark VI

    Forearms: Contoured SHRD

    Legs: Contoured SHRD


    Visor: Blindside

    Primary/Secondary Color: Blue/Drab


    (I wish I could get a pic of this all together but I can't.)

    What is your dream armor?

  6. Halo Wars 2 is a terrible idea for these short reasons.


    Halo Wars was a terrible game regarded by most people who played it, it still to this day has the most second hand copies sold in percentage to copies original sold for any Halo title.

    The multiplayer system never peaked to half the peaks that even Halo Reach managed a couple years after it was released.

    There is actually no reason to make a sequel, if you want an RTS, get Halo Spartan Assault.

    Finally, they're focused on getting one game one already, and with H2A a possibly second game, they're putting useless resources into that game by itself. They should be putting all the effort they can just into Halo 5.

    no reason to make a sequel? Just curious, have you played Halo wars campaign at all?

  7. I seriously think Halo Wars 2 needs to be the next Halo title because let's face it... Halo 5 is a make or break game. If Halo 5 fails, no one will buy Halo 6, and Halo will die.

    So if 343 hooks up with Ensemble Studios for Halo Wars 2, fans will love it, and it will allow more time to fine tune H5. What I think H5 needs is the best graphics anyone has ever seen, and some fresh new elements while sticking close to the old halo feel... idk.


    I seriously doubt Halo 2 anniversary will come out because it's stupid. The purpose of the 1st Halo anniversary was to celebrate the release of Halo. That's it. If they continue on to Halo anniversary 2... then there'd be Halo anniversary 3, ODST, Wars, Reach, 4, while coming out with H5, H6. It's stupid.


    Lastly, I have small evidence as to why a Halo Wars 2 may be the next Halo title. Megablocks has a new UNSC toy that's related to the Locusts in Halo wars. Why would they make that? Watch it here:





  8. I am not hyped from halo 5 one bit...



    But then I have no plans on getting XB1 so that may be the reason.

    Unfortunately, I am not going to be able to play Halo 5 Day 1, or anywhere near Day 1. I'm going to buy Halo 5 Limited Edition Day 1, but not play it... Why... THE XB1.

    I refuse to buy the XB1 until it's slimmed AND Kinectless.

    So I will possibly never play H5 if Microsoft never comes out with BOTH of those things.

  9. I can't wait for Official Halo 5 trailers on Live TV. I remember watching Halo 4's trailers on TV for the first time and I lost my mind! And I loved to watch the H4 trailers around my family so they could see how epic Halo is.


    I remember watching the H4 trailer with Master Chief trapped in the Didact's grasp with my Grandparents at their house on TV.


    The other live action trailer when their on the Infinity being scanned by the Forerunners I watched at the movie theater.

    • Like 1
  10. In the Halo 5 trailer, we know that Master chief is hiding his identity, but we don't know from who.

    And we know that Master Chief is face to face with a massive Forerunner, but who says that it's there to fight? Maybe Master Chief was looking for it in order to somehow save Cortana, and my evidence to that is how Master Chief holds Cortana's chip while the that Forerunner thing is rising from the sand. It also seems to me like Master Chief fought through a lot to get there because of his cracked visor, which probably has something to do with the Didact or maybe even the UNSC.


    But this is all theory, and it looks like we'll be getting no information until E3 2014.


    Tell me some of your theories. Thanks for reading. 

  11. I recently got a 360 and I'm wondering if anyone has extra XBL Gold codes that they didn't want or need. The amount of time doesn't matter, i just want to play online. (If you do want to lend me a code, private message me. Thanks!)

  12. I'm not even going to bother with this... I'd just be wasting my time, as everyone else has already countered all of your points. I always thought you were a cool guy, until you bash the console that almost everybody on here plays, on a forum that has nothing to do with Microsoft! Can a moderator kindly lock this topic please?

    1.uh well you're wasting your time bothering with this topic you derp.


    2.no one yet has countered any of my points,


    and 3. you're an xbot that hates on smart people filled with common sense.


    so wtf are you doing here?


    And don't try to scare me with that moderator bull crap. I hope they're smart enough to realize how dumb you truly are.

    Then again, I have encountered with some pretty dumb moderators on here...


    Oh, and I thought you were pretty cool too... then I realized what a complete (5 letter "i" word) you are

  13. Well, I'm like the others; baffled to why you're complaining about the console when you claimed this happened two years ago, but I will go on.



    The original Xbox 360's were poorly made, this was addressed by Microsoft and they were replaced soon after by a more reliable version of the console. This isn't to say that the console was perfect though, it took a few 'generations' of the Xbox 360 to have a fully reliable one. The Xbox One styled Xbox 360 is obviously the best version of the console since it has no problems with it, same with the Xbox 360 Slim. However, I have an Xbox 360 Pro console which I bought 5 years ago, and I haven't had a problem with it at all. Though I did by the Xbox 360 Slim because I wanted integrated WiFi, but I still have the Pro console as a backup console.


    Your complaints about the lag with Blops 2 is not a problem with the console in no way whatsoever. That problem lies with the Blops 2 servers and your own internet connection. No relation is there with the connection of the internet and the console not running the game fully itself.


    With the corruptions of the harddrive, you've just been unlucky. Not too many people get full harddrive corruptions. Sure they may lose data, or some parts will go missing,. but data loss to that extreme is highly rare. Continue to play on a faulty harddrive instead of paying for a new one is no one's fault but you own. As harsh as that sounds, Microsoft don't have to repair every hardware there is, you buy the console with assumed knowledge that there is a risk of failure just like everything else in life, continuing to play on a faulty piece of hardware comes down to your responsibility only.



    As for your comments to everyone who's replied here, I suggest you take a damn hard look at what you're saying and have a long think before you post the content you have been.

    Never did i say that COD BO2 was the system's fault, and any ways, if you took a "damn hard look at what you're saying", you'd realize i wasn't even playing on Xbox when that happened you derp. And what you said with me being unlucky... yeah, go ask anyone else if they've never had problems with their 360's. I'm surprised you're a moderator... who the heck runs this site anyways?


    P.S. why is everyone asking, "why are you bringing this up if it happened 2 years ago"? Hmmm maybe you missed the second paragraph stating "So, the reason I'm writing this is because..."

  14. I have to say that the X-Slim is pretty good. Improved on the First version by a hell of a lot. All launch consoles (PS4, XBone, 360, PS3) All had problems that would come around a good amount. That's why they made the X-Slim and the PS3 Slim. Better versions....Not going to lie that both companies just want your money....

    Well yeah, ALL companies want money... it's why they're a company... but anyways, at least Sony puts effort into their products and can build a machine that their actually proud to sell. On the other hand,Microsoft says "here, I have a couple rocks. throw that in there" <---That was an exaggeration people... don't go bananas on me. But it's so true. You really can truly tell who makes better longer-lasting products. 


    Now, I've had 2 Xbox 360's, and two Xbox slims. Not because i love Xbox soooo much, but because they were all faulty machines.

    RROD occurred for both 360's, then the first day I got an Xbox slim, it had a red dot, and did not work at all. you all know what happened to my last slim so yeah.


    Either Microsoft's Xbox's really are half @ss made, or i got dealt real bad hands. I highly think it's the first one though.


    And like i said, my ps3 slim is going strong for 2 years now. My friend Chris has had a PS3 fat day 1, still going strong... except for some overheating issues... but still works perfectly fine. Also EVERYONE I KNOW has had terminating issues with their Xbox. 

    Are you starting to see something here? Noticing any patterns?

     And furthermore, if you don't like Microsoft, then why is your profile picture one of their most iconic characters?

    there is so much wrong with that statement.

  15. I'm not putting words into your mouth, unless you mistakenly put PS3 in brackets when you meant to put Xbox 360. You said you had thought back to how Xbox had supposedly screwed you over.

    Your words not mine, if you mixed them up then, I guess I will take back my "if this happened 2 years ago" thing.

    dam good comeback. you said I mixed up ps3 and xbox 360 in the brackets! man you're original. no wonder why you love MS

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