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Everything posted by UnsayableMatrix

  1. Idk exactly if you want to just send me a friend request I can message you next time I'm on. I go on halo 3/reach most days.
  2. Hey was wondering if anyone would like to play octagon with me on reach. If you don't know, it's basically a game mode/map that helps improve precision with dmr and sniper. Gt: UnsayableMatrix
  3. Hello everyone, I've been playing halo 3 since the day it came out and I still play it from time to time today, but I still have not gotten recon. I was wondering if anyone else here still has not gotten recon, if they would like to attempt the vidmaster's challenge in halo 3, and the other 2 on ODST. (I realize there are others but I just need help with the ones that require you to play 4 player Xbox live Co-op.) Just post here if you're interested or msg me on xbox live GT: UnsayableMatrix.
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