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Everything posted by Tomcrash100

  1. WISHLIST: 1. NEED MORE EASTER EGGS! E.g. Halo 2 soccer ball, halo 2 scarab gun, halo 3 rooster teeth guys as marines trying to get into that door and being accused of being a brute. 2. Brutes! Plenty brutes! 3. More grenade launchers! More grenades! EVERYTHING NADES! 4. Machete (Human energy sword) 5. Forgeable Firefight (Similar to custom games) 6. Interactive assassinations (e.g. tapping a rapid succession of buttons to do different stuff) 7. Weapons integrated into armour (e.g. instead of armour ability, hold LB to activate crosshair weak laser or wall mines or repulsion beam) 8.Team up the Chief and Halsey. Those guys would be great together! And don't you try to deny it! 9. Health bar! We all loved that! 10. Plasma rifles. Even though we don't use them, we still miss them. 11. Dual-wielding.
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