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Everything posted by Týr.NordicGodLawJustice

  1. Hey, Im new here, and well i am really looking foreward to useing this communitty forum syuff to get better at forging and playing halo over all. i hope to learn more about how the company structure part of the halo franchise works. also i love to talk lore i hope to make some new friends too
  2. The reason they are so small is because towards the end of the war the UNSC were drafting as many soldiers as they could to keep their ranks up. Also if thats the only reason you didnt finish it thats really dumb.
  3. HOLY POPCORN SEEDS!!!!!!!!!! I just read your bio/welcome thingy-a-bob and HOW DO YOU FIND TIME FOR ANYTHING????!!!!!!!! I mean, 4 JOBS x_x!!!!!! ~breaths in paper bag for a minute~ okay shocks gone. Your the first profile i have looked at on this forum, mainly cuz yer a brony, and i can tell if there's more people like you on here then i came to the right place.

    1. Tommy


      Haha I know, but I try my best to keep some time for myself. Anyways thanks for checking it out and actually commenting :D

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