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    ItZ MeH MARI0

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  1. And yet, you did respond. And I'm just gonna be "that guy" for just a moment longer: http://leafapp.co/compare/itz_meh_mari0/a_live_dinosaur Thanks for your honest opinion.
  2. Glad I was first then. Just like you said, I probably will get used to it... but it's a tad disheartening knowing (personally at least) 343 is going the wrong direction with these updates. I love that 343 is so involved in their games with these constant updates, but it seems as though just as I get used to one change, I get slapped with another one. Of course, this one being much greater in magnitude. The game is just fundamentally not the same. I can understand that between new games (like between H2 and H3 from my original post), but I think in an update months and months after a product launch is just sad. Trust me, I'm not the only one to notice that Halo 4 numbers are down in matchmaking all the time, and I wish I had the wherewithal to fix it and bring new players into the franchise. I think the tough thing about being a first time Halo player (not myself), is that you will constantly get destroyed, and this probably scares away a lot of players and sends them crawling back to the outdated cash cow that is CoD. @BaconShelf... couldn't agree more. Perhaps the DMR is a bit "powerful" but rather than upping every other weapon, why not down the overpowered one? I've even got a CoD example for this one... Any who played MW2 in the first few weeks since its launch knew that akimbo (speaking of akimbo, why did you ditch that 343?) Model 1887 shotguns could practically snipe people across the map. The fix? Downing them... not "upping" every other shotgun or assault rifle. But enough with the CoD references.
  3. Hello all. Long story short, I've been a player since the beginning of the Halo franchiseand what a ride it has been. Halo 2 was my personal favorite... until Halo 4 came out. I give you guys (343) a lot of credit for recreating such a beautiful crafted game... until a few days ago. I'm not going to go into detail, but your "weapons update" essentially murdered the game for me, and other players I have no doubt. As well, the "110% speed boost" was a pathetic decision. As if the game wasn't already fast enough, Halo is not call of duty, and it should not be your mission at 343 to cater to the Call of Duty player out there. You don't see the Gears of War series switching to first person because CoD does it... Granted that's a bit of stretch but you get my point. I've had Halo 4 since about a week after it was released. I'm just about a 90 in Matchmaking and I have just about mastered the DMR. Why? It's incredibly efficient long range, but you have to be precise. On small and midrange maps... I chose the BR, simply because of it's spread that allows me to not be deadly accurate at close range and still kill an enemy wielding a DMR. Very small maps? I'm that guy jet-packing around with the assault rifle. Point here is that not all weapons need to be efficient at everything they do. Yes it's true the DMR is the "go to" weapon, but it requires skill, and if you don't have the patience to lose enough DMR-battles before you start winning one, then maybe you shouldn't be using that weapon anyway. Consider the much more friendly BR, but you will lose long distance capabilities. I understand the other weapons of the game were not as utilized, but that doesn't mean they aren't usable to players of different skill rankings, if not fun to use from time to time. This update to me is like the change between gameplay in Halo 2, and Halo 3. The difference between top tier players and noobs is quickly shrinking into oblivion. Prior to this update, I can tell you I have dropped my jaw in awe in the precision and pure dexterity of some of Halo's top players (typically level 130 nonetheless). Unfortunately updates like this speed up gameplay to the point where precision isn't as necessary, you just have to know how to throw your grenades efficiently, then spam the trigger. Furthermore, weapon spawn times are becoming absurd. I have now played multiple CTF games in a row where multiple players (and I'm talking anywhere from 2-4) are walking around with the same power weapon. I'm talking the sword, spartan laser, sniper, and not to mention the SAW. If you're trying to bring Halo in a new direction, limitless weapon spawns are not working. Ordinances, however, are a good start... It's reward-based perks... sound similar to kill steak rewards from CoD? Right, and as much as I hate that, it's fair and it's what makes games challenging. All in all, Halo is becoming too "soft", and adapting to accommodate players who think Halo should be a variation of CoD rather than it's own successful franchise. The first instances of Halo being soft is when you could no longer go down in level. Think back to Halo 2... remember how tough it was to not only be a level 50, but to maintain it? That's what made the good players great. Now I'm not saying the leveling system should change... just an example. Finally, while I am disappointed in this lastest update, and I understand it may never be reversed, I look forward to Halo 5 and hope 343 can return to the game that is Halo as I and fans everywhere know it. I welcome feedback/ criticism/ trollers/ supporters/ etc. I registered and posted this simply to get a community feel of my lastest thoughts on the game. Cheers.
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